Chapter 10

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Calum POV

Me and the boys went out . I enjoyed this . We haven't been acting like a band or friends since we been the house . Ashton decided and we pretty much didn't have a choice.

At the club Ashton immediately got drunk with Michael and went to chat up some groupies .

Don't get me wrong they were some pretty hot groupies , but I can't , I'm with Becca .

"Hey Luke , I think I want a drink , wanna go get some ? " I yelled in his ear above the music.

"Sure, but we are underage " he shrugged .

"I have my ways , come on ." I winked and we walke over to the bar .

I stood there until the lady came over with a croptop on with booty shorts . She was pretty sexy . Mhmm , I wouldn't mind having a piece of that .

"Hey handsome , need a drink ? " She purred and grazed my hand .

"Yes , me and my pal here " i winked and patted Luke on the shoulder .

" Sure , what would you like ? " She leaned over the counter poking out her chest .

"Suprise me babe " she winked and walked away .

" Dude you can't hit on her , you're with Becca !!" Luke hit my arm

"I don't give a shit ! I want to have fun . I want a girl with meat on her bones and can have sex with me instead of my worrying if they are going to snap in two . So shut the fuck up and let me ge laid . " I yelled . I was out of it . I didn't really mean it , but too late for apologies.

The girl came back over with a brown mixture . "It's a suprise , drink up boys ! " I smiled and chugged the whole thing .

I looked over to Luke and he sipped on his drink and stared out into the crowd .

"Thanks babe , hey what time is your shift over ? " I leaned in to her ear .

"I can take a break .. Want to go somewhere ? " I nodded and let her grab my hand .

We ended up in her car . She instantly started sucking my neck . I don care about Becca . Becca who matter of fact ? I'm enjoying being with this unknown slut .

We had sex . And I couldn't lie , it was amazing .

We were still in her truck . I put on my boxers , pants and shirt . I grabbed my shoes . I started to get out .

"Hey we're are you going hot stuff? "she purred. Can she talk normal ? Such a flirt ...

"Leaving , thanks . Goodnight . " I opened the door .

"Hey , your just gonna leave ? No number or anything ? She yelled .

I stopped an turned around . "Do you want money or something ? " Her face fell .

"No I'm not some type of prositute . Thank you very much " She leaned back in her seat and sighed loudly.

I shurgged and walked back into the club .

"Where have you been mate , we are ready to go . These groupies are getting out of hand . " Ashton yelled .

"No where , let's go " I said . He shurgged and we headed back home .

Michael was shit -faced and couldn't barely walk . Me and Ashton helped him . We opened the house an he fell knocking over a vase . "Shit ! Now Becca is probably woke . " As on que she walked downstairs rubbing her eyes .

"Hey guys , what time is it ? And why is there a broken vase ? " she looked for a light and switched it on .

"Don't worry babe , go back to sleep . " I said trying to grab her .

"Oh , how was guy's night ? " She asked moving away .

"It was great ! Now I have to wee wee hottie , but come by my room later ." Michael slurred , and lazily winking at Becca .

I don't care if he's drunk , he can't talk to her that way .

She laughed . "What about you guys , you all seem sober . "

"Well I decided to be a driver , so I didn't drink much . " Luke said grabbing a slice of pizza .

"I sobered up when then girl stuck her tounge down my throat which reeked of vodka , weed , and something else I couldn't identify . So im gonna go brush my teeth . " Ashton said sticking out hs tounge in disgust .

"What about you hun ? " She wrapped her hands around my waist . "What " she sniffed . "Why do you smell like cheap perfume ? " She looked up into my eyes .. Well really she stared into my soul...It felt like .

"Uhm , no- " I started

"Don't lie you bastard , Oh ! I know .. Let me tell her ! he fucked someone tonight and admitted it to my face . He said he wanted someone to have sex to enjoy instead of worrying if they are gonna snap in two . He said he wanted to forget you . Sorry Becca , it had to be said . I love you like a sister and I don't want him to break your heart . " Luke said casually and walking upstairs .

"WHAT THE FUCK ! I FREAKING TRUSTED YOU AND YOU SAY YOU WANT TO FORGET ME ? HOW DARE YOU ? I FREAKING LOVED YOU AND NOW FOR NOTHING . YOURE PURE SHIT . " She slapped me hard . Then she tried to punch me , but I blocked it . I wanna hit back but I deserve it . She kept attacking me until Ashton ran downstairs and grabbed her .

"What happened here ? " Ashton asked looking between us two .

" The asshole cheated ." she then spit on me . She crossed the line . I walked up to her and slapped her .

"Whoah whoah whoah , dude that my sister . " Ashton started punching me and with him i punched back .


"You are trash ." She mumbled.

Luke ran downstairs and pulled us apart . "Dude calm down . Ashton I'll keep Becca . You guys clean yourselves up . Then start packing we leave tomorrow considering its 4 am . " He grabbed Becca .

"NO SHES STAYING WITH ME ! " I ran and grabbed Becca . She started kicking . I dragged her upstairs into our room and laid her on the bed . She was screaming and crying . I went into the bathroom and got a cold wash cloth . I walked up to her and tried putting it on her cheek . She kept moving away .

"STOP FREAKING MOVING REBECCA ! IM TRYING TO HELP " i yelled . She cried more , but stoped moving .

I put the washcloth on her face .

"I'm sorry , okay . I love you . " I stroked her cheek . I saw a bruise forming from when I hit her .

"No you're not . Please . Ever since I came here i ruined you guys friendship . I tried being the best I can, I don't know why you cheated . I think it's best if I just leave . " She sobbed .

"No you're staying . And I was being dumb . I don't think anything through . Im so sorry baby . I lo- "

"Don't say it . Please . " She covered my mouth .

I removed her hands. " Can I have a kiss . A goodbye kiss ?" I wanted more . She needs to know I truly love her .

"I don't care" she mumbled .

I kissed her softly . She barely kissed back . I moved my hands down . I went to second base . I continued . I ripped off all her clothing and mine .

"So does this mean we are back together ? "I whispered in her ear .

"No.. " She said without emotion .

"Then why are we doing this ? " I asked in confusion .

"Because this is the last time ever . You will ever get to touch me , see me . So fuck me like it's your last .. Which it is " She sobbed .

I did . I truly did . It hurted me that this will be the last . Maybe the world was against us being together . It took forever to get her then when I did everyone is against us . Then i make things worst . Maybe we weren't meant to be together .

{edited 6/22/15}

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