Chapter 31

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Harry POV

I looked her deep in her beautiful eyes waiting for a response . I saw her blush . She looks so pretty .

She took a deep breath . "Yes ... Yes Harry yes ! " Then everyone cheered and I slipped the ring on and stood up . Then she grabbed my face and kiss me .

I huge wave of relief spread throughout me . I hugged her and picked her up then spun her . Everyone ran up and we all group hugged . When we released I noticed Pia in her same spot typing away and Calum walking towards the door . Those bitches . I grabbed Becca and squeezed her tightly and kissed her passionately.

"Babe I love you so much and now we are finally engaged . Your my fiancé . My heart . My love . My lover . My baby . My baby mama . And soon to be my lawfully loved wife . " I smiled .

"Harry . I love you so much . I love how you planned this . I love how you know how to make me smile all day . The way you hug me tight . The way you care for our child . I love you so much . " she kissed my nose and walked off with the girls who was constantly calling her name .

I turned and saw all the guys . Except Calum . All smirking .

"Look at our little Harry ! " Louis came and hugged me .

"I know I know I'm growing up . " I smiled .

"That speech was beautiful mate . " Zayn hugged me and smiled .

"Thanks I tried "I chuckled .

"That was more beautiful than nandos at night time when I'm hungry and ready to attack some food . " Niall said bring me into a hug .

"Great comparison mate . "I laughed

"Proud of ya lad" Liam said hugging me.

"Thanks daddy Liam ! " I joked .

Ashton walked up to me . "Treat her right man . She deserves the best . Please be that . " He looked me dead in the eye . It wasn't intimidating but he was very serious .

"Of course " I smiled

"Now bring it in for a hug ! " He grabbed me and hugged me tightly. " Brother in law ! " He whispered.

I chuckled and released .

Then Luke and Michael came and hugged me and congratulated me .

I smiled and I went to my mum and sister . " Baby I am so proud of you . That was beautiful. Treat her right because that girl right there . That girl deserves the world . And give her that . " My mum was on the verge of tears.

"Let it out mum , I know you wanna cry. and I will give her everything. " I gave her a hug and rubbed her back to soothe her . I guess her son growing up and getting married is a big thing . Well it is .

I released and I hugged Gemma . "Treat her right little bro . " She patted my back .

"Of course " I released .


When I walked away from Harry I ran to the girls . The first person I went to was Sophia . " Girl ! Did you plan this ? The whole talk earlier . The saying yes . The pros and cons . Everything! "

"Kinda . Harry told us last night and I wanted to kinda prepare you . I love you girl ! " She hugged me .

All the girls hugs and me and congratulated me .

"Now let's see that ring girl ! " Elandor said clapping

I stuck out my left hand and they all ohhed and awwed .

But , I Love You ... {Calum H./Harry S. Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now