Chapter 24

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Harry POV

I woke up . I looked down and saw the beautiful Rebecca Irwin . She looks so gorgeous without trying .

Her long eyelashes . Her flawless skin . Straight teeth . Long brown hair . Green brown eyes . Slim body . Small hands and feet . I love everything about her .

Every since we met I knew I wanted her . But I didn't want her to come to me this way . I can't believe that Calum hit her . He is a total twat and he needs to burn in bloody hell . How fucking dare he? She is so precious that no one should cause harm to her .

I admired her features until her voice startled me .

"You know it's not nice to stare ? " She fluttered her eyes open .

"I thought you was sleep " i smirked

"I was then I felt a presence and eyes on me so I decided to speak up . But goodmorning . " She smiled and pecked my lips .

Her lips on mine . Oh I just love her soft lips .

I grabbed her waist and pushed her closer and hugged her .

"Okay Harry let's get up and make breakfast . " She pulled out and grabbed my hand.

"Well considering its 7 pm we could get dinner but I don't mind breakfast . " I chuckled

"WHAT ! It's already 7 pm ? Where did the time go ? " She was shock and you could easily tell

"Well you got here at 10 am and jet lag so yeah it is exactly 7:39pm . " I checked my phone.

"Wow! Well in that case let's go get dinner . " She smiled

I pulled her back in bed . "Or we can cuddle and order Chinese . " I asked and kissed her cheek.

"Only because I love cuddling " she smirked

"That and me .. " I said under my breath

"What did you say Haz !?" She laughed


"No tell me , I wanna know "

"I said nothing Becca " and smiled

"Well let's see if your telling the truth " She gave an evil laugh.

"And how are-" I got cut of by roaming on hands on my body tickling me .

I laughed so hard my stomach started to knot .

I gasp for air " Becca ! Okay I give up stop ! "

"Nope say it right now " she laughed


"I guess i gotta keep tickling " She smirked .

I grabbed her waist and set her on my lap . " I said you love cuddling and me . " I looked into her eyes

She paused . Oh shit . What if she doesn't love me back . Wait do I love her ? Does she love me . Maybe I do .i mean I can get use to having someone in the house and play fighting , flirting, and kissing . I have known her for a week and I already fell in love . I guess you can call it love at first sight.

"Well I will go get the number for Panda Express so they can deliver the food " I said awkwardly pushing her off lightly

"Wait . I realized something " her snapping back into reality

"And what will that be love ? "

"That I do love you ... "

"I'm glad you fell that way because I love you too . " I smiled

But , I Love You ... {Calum H./Harry S. Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now