Chapter 11

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Rebecca POV
I woke up and I felt Cal's abs in my back and his strong arms around my waist . I was so relaxed but my bottom half was hurting .

Suddenly everything from last night caught up with me .

I shoved Calum off up me and started packing my bags .

"Babe what's wrong ? What time is it ? Where are you going? " He rubbed his eyes .

"Last Nite . 8 am . Airport. " I said with no emotion.

"Why are you leaving ? Babe we can get through this . " He got up and snaked him arms around me .

I pushed him off . "Maybe soon . But right now i think the universe doesn't want us together . I thought it was fate that brought us together . But now I think it was just lust and pity that you felt for me . I'm sorry , but I'm going ... Home " my voice trailed off at the end. I can't go home . I mean I hate my parents for what they did and I just can't go back . I miss my friends but I'm sure my parents told their parents about my behavior , they won't even let in their house . Ugh . Where can I go ?

"REBECCA ! Earth to Becca ! " Calum yelled unpacking my bag .

"Stop , I'm not gonna yell . I'm leaving . " I pushed everything back in . I threw on a black over sized tshirt and some black skinny jeans with a big hat . I put a red and black striped jacket around my waist just in case I get cold . I didn't bother to do my makeup , I wanted out of this place .

"Babe , you can't go home your parents disowned you. " He stood in the doorway .

"They said I can always come back , but I don't know where excatly im going at the moment . I might just travel for Gods sake . But for you , you won't know . Now get out of my way so I can say bye to my friends . " I pushed his shoulder , but he didn't bulge .
"No , why can't we get through this .. Honestly . It was a one time thing . I won't do it again I swear ! " He stepped closer to me .

" I would believe me , but what you said .... That is what have me . You said you want someone better , thicker , and I just highly doubt it that you regret having sex with a stranger . Wait .. Was it even a stranger ? Did you call up this chick and tell them to meet you there ? Did you even think about me . Then you have the nerve to tell Luke . You could have kept it to yourself ! But no . You weren't even drunk . You had your little 'fun' and look what it cost you . You took my virginity Cal . And I gave you my heart . But you didn't care . So no we cannot talk this through . I don't even know if i love you anymore . The more I look at you I love you less . You anger me so much . Now please move . Now . " I pushed him again and got through . I dragged my suit case to the top of the staircase and walked to Luke room .

When I walked away u heard him mumbled " But , I love you .."

"If you did , we would be in this predicament " i mumbled back . A tear escaping my eye . I quickly wiped it .

"Hey Lukey Poo ! " I walked in .
"Uhh hi Becca . Can I help you ? " His raspy morning voice is hot ! But he is like a brother .

"Uh I just wanted to say bye im leaving . I can't be here . I've caused hell between you all . I love you but I can't anymore . Im sorry " a few tears fell down my face as well as his .

"Well if that's whats best . I'm truly gonna miss you sis . Team Luca foreve ! " He got got of be and gave me a big bear hug .

"You're not making this easier with the hug . " I smiled while crying .

"That was my intention babe " he chuckled still holding on to me .

I pushed him off . "Team Luca Forever . I love you . " I wiped my tears and pat his back .

"Hey before you go . Uhm where are you going ? "

"I'll text you when I figure that out . But I know somewhere far . " I smiled , walked out and closed the door .

Next stop Ashton room .

I walked in and he was asleep .

"Ashy .. Wakey wakey . " I pushed his shoulder .

"I'm up . " His voice cracked .
"What's wrong Ash ? " I pulled the covers down and saw his red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"I heard you . You're leaving . Please don't go back home . Please Becca . I love you . " He hugged me tightly .

"I'm not going home . I changed my mind . I'm just leaving . I'm not sure where , but somewhere . And I love you too . Through all our good and bad times . I love you . You're the best bro ever . " I chuckled .

"Be safe please . I can't stop you but I trust that you will make the right decisions . Okay ? "

"I'm glad . And I will , I promise . " I stuck out my pinky .

He smiled and grabbed it . "do you need any money ? " He looked at me .
"Uh if you have any to spare that will be good ."smiled .

"Take whatever you need . I'm sure there is cash in my pocket . " He pointed to some jeans on the floor .

I looked and pulled out a roll of $100 . I put the whole thing in my pocket . " Thanks Ash . " I hugged him and walked out .

Now it's the hardest part leaving my bestfriend . I walked over to Michael's room .

"Mickey ? " I looked in and he wasn't in bed . I searched the bathroom and everyone upstairs . Maybe he's in the kitchen .

I walked to the kitchen . No , where is he . I liked out the back door and saw his blue head . His feet was in the pool and he was looking down .

"Hey pal ...." I sat beside him an took off my flip flops .

"Hi . " He didn't look up .

"I know we aren't on best terms right now but I still love you and you will always be my bestfriend till the end no matter what . Okay . I can't leave without being on good terms with you . I need you in my life for you to stay . Please . " I pushed his chin to meet my eyes .

"Fine . I can't stay mad at you . I love you too . " He hugged me tightly . "And I heard you talking and yelling at cal so I know you are leaving . I got up and got dressed . Maybe I can take you to the airport or wherever you are going . " He smiled .

"Stalker much ? " I scowled him and his face dropped .

"Just kidding , yes please would you drive me to the airport " I smiled widely .

"You are ever so welcome that im doing this . " He got up and he got my suitcase and went to one of the cars .

"Hey I just wanna let you know that I am perfectly fine with being best friends . At the club I got my groove on and got a few numbers . I'm back on the market bitches ! " He laughed .

"Well damn Clifford . But I'm glad for you and us . " I smiled and pat his leg .

We headed to the airport .

"Where are Ya going Becca ? " Mikey asked looking around .

I looked at the flights .

"New York . That's where is far from here but not out the country . You guys will be up here soon . So I'll see you guys whenever . "

"Okay , when does it leave ? " He asked
"It says 2 hours . So I guess I'll go get coffee and maybe a muffin and order a ticket and all that good stuff. You can stay if you want . " I looked up at him and smiled .

"Of course I'm gonna stay!"

We walked around and got my ticket then got some hot coffee from Starbucks and a muffin from another restaurant .

"Hey this is my flight. I love you see you soon papa smurf. Hey ! Don't change your hair without me ! " I hugged mickey and walked off . If I look back I'll cry , so I kept forward . I couldn't hold it in any longer . I made it to the line and the lady scanned my ticket . I finally looked back and saw a tear fall from Michael's forced smiled face .

I waved and got on the plane .

A new chapter in my life will start soon .

{edited 6/22/15}

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