Chapter 8

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"Uhm Ashton let me explain " I begged

He started walking towards Calum .

"Explain what ?! you gave up your virginity to this fucker ?" He asked pointing at Cal .

"Don't call him that . Me and Cal love each other and we are in a serious relationship and we are happy . We trust each other . I don't want you not Michael to ruin that for us . Do you understand me ? " I pointed my finger in his face .

He pushed me on the floor an attacked Calum .

"STOP , ASHTON STOP ! " I cried

"Shut the hell up Rebecca . I should hit you . He doesn't love you . You don't know what love is . I'm sure he doesn't know either . You guys are young . Oh and by the way you will not talk to me like that . I gave you a home to live in , food to eat and clothes to wear so you will not and hear me clearly ... you will NOT disrespect me until you withdraw from this house . Which you highly won't . "

"Whatever , I'm going to the beach , I hope you decide to stay home " I get up from the floor .

"Since you wanna be like that im coming . And this little fucker should stay home . And I do not want you two near each other , Rebecca you are my little sister and you will listen to me !"

He spat

"Nope . He is coming and you can't make me stay away from him . " I spat back .

"Try me . You will sleep in my room with me . I have a blow up mattress I will use . " He looked around . "Ha! here's your suitase . Now go out that in the room . We will be down soon so we can leave out . And don't you dare stay in here . "He walked out .

I turned to Calum . He has a bruise on his face and blood running down his nose . This is the second fight in one morning. I hate this . He looks horrid .

"Babe , I love you and he will not tear us apart okay?" I cup his cheeks .

"Okay . Let me get dressed . And I love you too " he kissed my forehead . "You're amazing . " He kissed my cheek. "And no one could make me change how I feel about you ." He kissed my lips .

His lips are so soft , warm and I could just kiss him all day .

He pulled away . Ugh i miss the feeling already .

"Now go , I'll be down in a few minutes . We are gonna forget this horrifying morning and go enjoy ourselves at the beach . . " He said calmly . I waved and walked out smiling .

My smile disappeared when I saw Ashton getting out snacks and putting them in a bag . I hate Ashton again . He keeps ruining things for me . Can I ever be happy with him for more than a couple of months . We are family . Family sticks together through thick an thin no matter what . He doesn't act that that for sure though . Ugh.

I walk in the kitchen with my shaw over my bikini .

"Why can't I like Calum ? I asked straight forward .

He chuckled . "Because when we leave for tour i don't want to be the one I told you so when he cheats . I love you and I promised you that I wouldn't go back to the old me . I'm not mistreating you I just want you to find someone who will love you always and be with you always . "

"I thought I was coming on tour with you guys ...."

"We haven't asked management yet so we aren't completely sure . " he continues to pack snacks .

"Well what about for now I date him . We have the whole summer here . I smiled .

"Nope , then you guys will get attached . Trust me . So I'm going to end this before it gets started . " He looked up at me . "How about this . You guys don't have to stay away from each other . But you can't be anywhere alone with each other . But still no dating . No touching either . Hugs only . " He put his hands on his hips and smirks at me . "What cha say sis ? "

But , I Love You ... {Calum H./Harry S. Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now