Chapter 14

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Rebecca POV

I can't believe they're gone . I mean yes I was mad but that doesn't mean they should die . I can't cry , im in shock .

I called Ashton back .

*phone convo *
A: (sniffle) h-h-hello?

R: hey what floor and room are you in ?

A: im in New York sis ..

R: we are in the same hotel , tell me .

A: oh my goodness , sis im on the 40th floor rom 678

R: im on my way .

*end of phone convo*

I ran to the elevator . Then punched in he number . I started to cry hard . I dropped to my knees . This feeling is familiar. The door opened and two strong arms picked me up and carried me . I looked up and saw Calum . His eyes were puffy and a tear fell down his cheeck . "Ca-" I started.

"Shhhh . I know we aren't on good terms , but let me just comfort you ... As a friend . " he opened the door and laid me by Ashton .

I hugged Ashton hard . He was my only family left.

*3 hours later *

I woke up and I was in the bed laying down in Ashton's arms .

I guess I fell asleep. Then I remembered why I was here . A tear fell down my cheeck .

"Becca ... Are you woke ?" Ashton mumbled

"Uh y-yes , Ash .. How did you know they died ? " I turned over an looked him in his eyes . We had the same color and it's like looking in a mirror .

"Calum's mum called and told me and him , I tried calling you but you took forever . Then I told everybody to try . But Joy said they drove off a cliff because they said they lost their children so what's the point of living. They left a sticky note and a box of pictures. " He started to cry .

I cried . "It's my fault ... It all my god damn fault. If I didn't color my hair , become an anorexic freak . Talk back , I would still be living with them . They would still be alive . Oh my ... " I cried harder .

Ashton pulled me in close . "No it's not . Shhhh . It's okay . Please don't blame yourself . I love you and they made their decision not to live . Okay please don't live with this burden . It's absolutely not your fault . Okay ? " he wiped my tear . And smiled . A fake smile .

"Okay .. I love you Ashton . Please don't let anything come between us . You're the only family we have . Please Ash , promise me ." I stuck out my pinky.

"I love you too . And I promise I won't ever leave you . And you're right , we are the only family each other got . We gotta stick together . And I'm soo very sorry for everything I have done in my entire life . "he kissed my forehead and got up stretching.

I smiled as got up . "That nap really helped , but Uhm when is their funeral ? " I started to get teary eyed .

"They .... Couldn't ... Uh " He took a breath . "Whoah Uhm okay , they couldnt find the bodies . It's in the ocean . " he sniffed and walked to the bathroom .

"Oh , okay .... So are they gonna look for it ? " I stood by the door .

"Uh yeah , soon . But when they do they are gonna cremate them because they would look bad from the water . " He came out and shook his hands .

"Okay .. Well are we gonna go visit and sort out everything with the house and cars and things like that ? " I turned on the tv .

"Uhm yeah I guess , we can do that after we perform . And uhh take a few days off , but then I have to go to a lot of interviews, then we go on tour in a month with one direction.. And that's like a year long . " He took the remote and channel surfed .

"Oh .. I'm staying with Louis , and uh yeah " I twirled my thumbs

"Oh .. Okay , uh well we perform tomorrow and on Thursday we can catch our flight there , and stay until Saturday. Leave that night . You go wherever and I go back to LA , and some other places . Okay ? "

"Okay . Uh it's already 9 pm I guess I'll go back . " I smiled and gave him a big bear hug .

"I love you Becca . " Still in our embrace

"I love you too Ash " I let go and wiped his tear. "We will get through it . "

"Of course . " He walked me to the door and gave me another hug .

"Bye Ash , see ya Thursday. " I waved and left .

I closed the door and saw Calum . "Calum , thank you for carrying me . And I just wanted to say I forgive you . Because if anything happen to you I will be devastated . I completely forgive you . Now please never do anything to hurt me again . Okay ? Can you promise me that ? " I held out my pinky .

He took my pink and shook . He stood up . "Okay . I promise . " He leaned in for a kiss and i backed up .

"We are starting over . As friends . If fate leads us that way then I guess , but for now ... I can't . Okay " I hugged him . "And by the way I lied , I still love you and I never stopped . "

He let go . "But .. I love you . Why can't we just go back to us ? " I tear fell.

"So I can know if I can trust you . Be patient , give it some time . " I kissed his cheeck and walked to the elevator.

This day was an very interesting day for me . I lost my parents and I forgave my cheating ex boyfriend.

{edited 6/22/15}

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