Chapter 22

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Rebecca POV

Once we all reached the door we saw David choking Calum and he looked like he was about to die. Calum face with a bluish purple and he was coughing waving his hands back and forth . Nicole and joy was screaming telling him to stop and put him down but David face was red and full of anger.

I ran in and pulled Nicole aside .
"Look here I do not have time to argue with you but please put on some clothes you are in your thong and bra , and nobody wants to see that at this time . I think you should also leave thank you and goodbye. " I threw her clothes at her and walked casually to Calum and David .

"Put him down. I know he did wrong, yes ... He hurt me physically and mentally but don't kill the boy he deserves to live and stuff from guilt" I pulled David's arm down and went to the kitchen .

I grabbed a bottle of water and gave it to Calum .

"Here. Drink . " I walked to Joy who was crying in David's arms .

"Please don't kill Calum . yes he did wrong but I do not think that he needs to die . Talk to him . See what's going on in his head . Why the sudden outburst . I love him but I don't think I can see him anymore . Not as in dating but as in eye to eye contact. I'm sorry . I will always visit and see you guys , but not with him ." I hugged them both and walked to Ashton who was fuming.

"I love you . I know we said we can't lose each other but I can't . You are in a band with Calum and i cant do this right now . Im so sorry . I love you i really do . And you have been an awesome brother. Through all of our ups and downs you was there . i can't thank you anymore . " I hugged him and kissed his cheek .

"But where are you going ? " He asked

"Let me finish my statements and I will tell everyone . Now go beat up Calum I know you want to for Nicole and me . And I don't care , just don't kill him . " I patted his shoulder then he ran off to attack Calum .

I looked and saw them rolling on the floor.i chuckled

I then walked over to Luke.

"Luke . You are my bestfriend and I love you and I will truly miss our hang outs. You are more mature and responsible , and yet you are the youngest . Look after these three before they kill each other . We will see each other soon . I promise that . I love you.Hastag Luca for ever babe ." I hugged him tightly.

Next Michael...

"Mike ... Mickey ... Michael Clifford . My bestfriend for life . Through everything I realized I love you . I should have dated you . You never hurt me . I always knew you felt something for me but I pushed it aside . I love you but I don't know what kind of love . It's boyfriend love , then its brotherly. But I will miss you . I love you . " I hugged him and wiped his tear .

I clapped my hands and Ash and Calum stoped fighting. Then everyone looked at me .

"Guys im leaving for good . I'm sorry no contact will be from me ever . " I winked at Luke . I will not be on any social media and I will change my number . I seem to be breaking up the band and family . If it wasn't for me 5SOS will act like an actual band and have fun . If I never met Calum then David would have never choked him . I ruined their father son relationship. Bye ..." I walked out the house .

I called the only person who i know would never let me down . I'm pretty sure he is alone , I mean he is single. He has been on my mind a lot lately .

I wonder what time it is in England...

{edited 6/22/15}

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