Chapter 27

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Tour months •

December: Rebecca was happy to see Louis again and they caught up on everything . They stuck together and he helped her to avoid Calum which was successful. Her and Harry have been doing great . Her and Micheal was excited to see each other . Her and luke have became closer . Ashton was happy to see her but she won't tell anyone where she is staying and no one but the one direction boys know that her and Harry are dating . The location was Flordia , Wyoming ,North Dakota , South Dakota , Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota and Illinois.

January: Rebecca and Harry have made thier relationship public by posting it on Twitter and the hastag 'Rarry' was trending number 3 for worldwide . On the first , Harry and Rebecca went partying considering they were both legal age and they had a blast . Rebecca and Calum haven't spoke one word to each other and she doesn't plan to . Everyone was excited for her moving on . Ashton an Calum got into an argument at breakfast because he mumbled 'but ... I love you ' and he couldn't be happy for her . The location was Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma, New Mexico , Kansas and Missouri .

Febuary: Rebecca and Harry got into a fight because Harry peed on the toilet and she got mad . Louis thought it was dumb but the couple wouldn't let it go . They wouldn't talk to each other . Her and Micheal went to color there hair again . This time she has purple strikes and Michael have a lavender color hair . Her and Ashton went to an interview and did the brother and sister tag which was fun . The location was Georgia , Alabama , Mississippi , Louisiana and Arkansas.

March: Harry apologized during a concert and the crowd chanted 'Becca Forgive ' a million times until she came out on stage crying and accepted . She sat on side of the stage and watched . Rebecca and Harry went on thier 3 month anniversary date . The date was at a paintball field and they both was covered and had a few bruises. They ended the date but going to McDonalds and getting mobbed but soon rescued by Liam . Liam then gave them a long speech about always disguise . They went home and then they had made love . Not rough and it seemed passionate and they enjoyed every second of it . But they forgot to use something ... The location was South Carolina,North Carolina , Tennessee , D.C , Virginia and W.Virgina .

April : Rebecca have been having cravings , morning sickness, pack pains , and missed her period . She wanted to take a pregnacy test but was scared. She told Harry it was a tummy bug so he would miss anybconcerts or interviews. Soon a few weeks later Louis suggested it and they bought a test . She waited for everyone to be out for breakfast so her and Louis can see the results . They kept it a secret until Liam saw they box in the trash . The got rid of all evidence but yet they had to tell Harry soon . The last week of the month Rebecca performed with 5SOS for 1D opening act . The crowd loved her an she was also asked to take pictures with . The location was California,Washington , Nevada , and Montana , Orgeon , Utah, Arizona,and Idaho .

May : Rebecca confessed she was pregnant to Harry and he was shocked for a week but soon was happy . They went to the appointment and they was happy to be having thier baby next year or in December . Harry have missed a few interviews but no concerts . He kept Becca inside so the fandom won't 'accidentally ' hit her belly . It was been 3 months and a tiny bump has formed . He wears loose clothes so no one will know . No one knows but Louis , Liam and of course Harry . She opened up with 5SOS a few times again . A week later the manager made it a job for Becca to sing with Harry or with her brother . Every show they take turns to who Becca sings with . She and the boys hang out as a group but her and Calum haven't talked 101 yet . Social media has been blowing up with rumors saying he was dating Pia a model but Becca doesn't care . She is to focused on her pregancy. The locations were Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio , Indiana , Kentucky and Pennsylvania.

June: Rebecca was now four months pregnant. Her and Harry has been talking about getting a house together. Harry brought up the topic marriage and Becca laughed at it . They went to an interview and the host asked for Becca to get on stage and answer some questions . They talked about dating and love and likes and dislikes and couple things . Becca wore a back tank top with a flannel and skinny jeans and red vans . The interview asked why considering it is June and hot . Then he joked around about being pregnant and everyone laughed except Becca , Harry , Louis and Liam . The interviewer noticed and asked Becca . Becca was scared so she ran off stages and caught a cab to the hotel . Later that day all the boys went to the room and asked her and she confessed . Everyone took it well except Ashton and Calum . Ashton was mad that she had unprotected sex but happy that is was with a trust worthy man . Calum didn't explain why he wasnt happy instead he got up nd walked out and slammed the door . Becca didn't care because he didn't deserve her nor her time . Harry was furious because he had no reason to act in such manner . The rest of the month Calum distanced himself and hanged with Pia more . The locations were Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Connecticut.

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