Chapter 38

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Rebecca POV

When we got home I got out the car and went to the door . Harry grabbed Kandy and all her stuff . He gave me key when he got the door . I unlocked it and walked inside . I went to the kitchen and made some tea . I made some and poured it into two cups . I walked upstairs and Harry was getting undressed . I laid his tea by is his nightstand.

I changed my clothes and just put on a tank top . I put my hair up and brushed my teeth . When I got out the bathroom I saw Harry sitting up drink is tea . I came and sat on his lap .

"I love you " I put my hand on his cheek .

"And I love you more than anything. "

I laid my forehead on his . " Baby I'm sorry for what I did . "

" I forgive you . " I spoke quickly
"I really do . But Harry I'm happy I met you . I'm happy for us . I'm happy for everything and everyone in my life . Let's just put this behind us . "

"Okay , love . "

He leaned in but got interrupted by the door bell . "Who that possibly be ?" I asked

"Everyone wants to see you . Your brother should be here within two days . He was packing to visit when I called . " He smiled widely .

"Wow ! Okay uhm let me get dressed . Why did you get undressed if you knew they were coming ? " I got up looking through all my drawers .

"I have on my sweatpants and a white v neck, I didn't undress love . You should known something was up if I wasn't just in my boxers . I mean it's not like we are gonna be partying anyways. " He chuckled .

"Oh .. " I put on my joggers and kept on my tank top . Harry ran downstairs to answer the door .

I walked to Kandy room to make sure she was sleep and she was . I closed her door and got her baby monitor. I walked downstairs. And saw flowers , stringers , hats , champagne, wine glasses , glasses that says 2015 , and balloons and a cake .

"I see we are having a party .. " I smiled .

Everyone ran and hugged me . They was all rambling. "Okay okay okay . I miss you all too ! Now since I see the party supplies lets get this party started !!! " I jumped up and down . Everyone looked at me weird for a few seconds then suddenly joined in . We drank , ate cake , danced around , and just had fun . I enjoyed this .

After all the partying I looked at the time and it was 2am .

"Okay guys ! I have a question to ask please settle down . " Harry said . He grabbed my hand and everyone stared . What is he doing ?

He got on one knee . " Will you marry me ? " he stuck out the ring he gave me last time .

"YESSSS ! " I laughed . He got up and I hugged him . I took the ring .

"Ok , I want to do this . Soon . I want to be officially yours babe" I said .

Everyone awed . "And when I say soon I mean next month . Okay . We have everything in place . Please ! " I begged .

It was quiet for a while . He looked me dead in my eyes . I believe that he was thinking about it . "Yes ! " He said .

I squealed and jumped in his arms . We finished partying until 4 and then everyone helped clean then went home . Me and Harry went upstairs and cuddled and talked about the wedding.


Today is the day . Me and Harry will be official. I stood in my dress looking in the mirror . Joy , Liz ,and Karen all stood behind me . They smiled as I turned around . My maid of honor was Sophia . I chose her because I had a special connection with her . Gemma and Abbey didn't want to be it they said they wasn't there through everything so they felt like it wasn't gonna be right . My bridesmaids was all the girls . Eleanor, Peirre , Gemma , Abbey , and Nicole . Pia and I was never friends so I didn't ask her .


I looked at the door and my heart raced. That mean it was time . Sophia answered and Ashton said it was time . He was walking me down the aisle.

"Okay .." I breathed out .

All the girls left . Then I look out . It was my turn . I linked arms with Ash , and we began walking . When we reached the end he kissed my cheek and released me . I stood before my love . We said our vows and then we kissed .

Everyone cheered as we ran down the aisle . We went to the building beside the beach and we all danced and me and Harry cut the cake . After the party me and Harry got dressed in some comfortable clothes and got into a limo . We was on our way to Puerto Rico for our honey moon . We got on the plane then docked our cruise .

{edited 6/23/15}

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