Chapter 13

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Rebecca POV

I sat here , still amazed that I meet them , and still have no place to stay . Maybe I should call them , and ask for a place to stay . Would they say yes , or pretend I never met them . They seem really nice , and I could have swore that Harry kid was flirting with me . I mean I don't know .

"Uhm maam , Becca .. You can leave now . "She chuckled " I mean you have just been sitting in the same spot for about 15 minutes after the boys left staring into space . " She walked by and patted my shoulder .

"Sorry Laura , i was just thinking , but uhm can I have a Cotton Candy frappé to go . I'll pay this time . " I smiled an walked to the register .

"Sure thing . The total is $4.97 . "

I gave her the money , and walked my to my seat .

*4 minutes later*

"Becca , your frappé is ready " she handed me my cup with a piece of paper . "That's my number, we should hang out soon " she smiled .

"I would love to ! and thank you for everything . "I smiled and took my cup . "Oh I'll text you so you can have my number too , see ya Laura ." I waved and walked out .

Maybe I should call them. But which one ? I decided on Louis , I believe that we could be best friends . I don't know . Maybe .

*phone convo *

He picked up on the second ring .

L: Ello ?

R: Hey Louis , it's Rebecca

L: Hey love , could wait to call me huh ?

R: Uhm I could have waited but I need a favor .. Can you help me out ?

L: Depends , I can't hook up with you im taken . If your horny use a vibrater or something in that nature , or ill-

R: LOUIS ! No ! I need a place to stay until I get on my feet . I just need a job then I can get some money to buy myself an apartment.

L: Well , uhm love .. We are only here for three days for some interviews and meeting fans . So we are currently staying at a hotel .

R: Oh .. I'm sorry .. Well thank-

L: But , you can stay with me , and when we leave we go back home to England , you can join . I'm sure the others won't mind . We all love you . And to be honest , I can see me and you as besties !

R: OMG ! Totally about the besties thing . But are you sure I won't be a burden . And what about your girlfriend? I don't want her to get suspicious. Ya know I'm not the one for drama .

L: Darling let me worry about that

R: thank you so much , where are you right now .

L: I'll text you the details babe . See Ya soon

R: okay

*end of phone call*

I can't believe how kind that mate is ! He just texted me the address of the hotel . I guess I'll catch a taxi there . New York is swarming with them ! I wonder what England would be like .

I waved my hand . No taxi would stop for me .

"Hey do it like this "then this random man and started shouting and screaming and jumping up and down . It worked but I would never do that .

I looked at the man . His mustache was obviously fake . He has a drawn on unibrow. He looked familiar. Nice jaw structure , big pretty eyes .. I streak of blond in his hair with tight skinny- wait "CALUM !?!?" I yelled .

But , I Love You ... {Calum H./Harry S. Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now