Chapter 7

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I woke up with arms around my waist .

I looked behind me and saw a beautiful face and muscular arms and mhmm them sexy tanned abs . I was melting inside .

"Its not nice to stare Becca" he chuckled

"Sorry , your just so hot i couldnt resist . " I smirked , but lightly blushed from being caught .

"I know i am but your beautful , and hotter . " He kissed my forhead and squeezed me . "Godmorning love .. By the way "

"Goodmorning hun . How did you sleep?" i turned to face him completely

"Well , with you by my side . It was better . This bed is also pretty comfy too . But what about you ?" he smiled .

"I slept well . " I looked out the window. "Hey , maybe since its our first day not jet lagged in L.A maybe we can go look around or shopping , or the beach ! Ohh i bet the beach would be nice ! " I said excited . I should wear my new bikini i bought back at home . I bet it would be so freaking cute . Its black an white . Oh maybe I'll wear a big sunberro or something . I'll wear plently of sunscreen . I have a slight tan but its not as cute . Mhmm . I wonder how long I've been thinking . I focus back on Calum , and meet his eyes .

"Oh Becca is back to Earth ? Kool .." I smiled and nodded for him to continue . "But i was about to say was Babe , uhm not to ruin your hopes but we have to ask the boys and management to make sure we can go and if we do we have to go now , early so we wont be mobbed or anything . "He said getting up . "Oh and by the way you zoned out , what were tou thing about ?" he threw on a random t-shirt and basketball shorts .

"Oh this amazing new bikini i bought back home . Its totally adorable !" i got up and threw on some socks for the cold wood floor.

"Mhmm , i bet but i rather see them off of you " he turned around and grabbed my hips and pushed them towards him .

"I bet , but we just started dating loverboy . " I stayed in the same space glancing at his lips .

"Did gou forget we already did it love ? " He smirked .

I looked down . I totally forgot about that . "Oh , yeah .... "

"Look up , but maybe we have to see what you look like without the bikini later . " He kissed my forhead , then nose , then cheek , then my neck . Then just stopped . He smirked . "I love you my beautiful , beautiful girl . " He kissed my lips slowly . It was nice .

We stayed like that for a while until someone knocked on the door .

"What ?!" Calum groaned walking towards the door .

"Goodmorning to you too mate . Is sleeping beauty still alseep?"a male voice said .

"Why?" Calum said kinda harsh. He aounded annoyed too .

"Because she's my bestfriend and i wanted to know if she wanted to go out shopping or something . Gee mate when did we stop liking each other . Im not gonna steal her away from you . She told me she doesnt like me . "

Now i know its Michael .

"Sorry mate ... uhm im just being a little protective . But actually i wanted to know if we all could go to the beach . Becca wants to go . She is up by the way . "

"Oh a little ? Mate you are totally way over protective . But anyways , well i guess we all could do that beach thing . "

"Yep , ill call management and ask . You can go in and talk to her , just dont pull a move kay ?"

"Deal . "

Soon both of them walked in . I dont know where me and Mickey stand after the plane ride but i guess we are friends . We cant be mad or awkward around each other forever .

But , I Love You ... {Calum H./Harry S. Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now