Chapter 30

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Rebecca POV

I saw two figures run out the house and .. Towards us . I looked closely and it was Gemma and Abbey !

I ran towards them and we grouped hug . "OMG ! What are you two doing here ? And oh la la those dresses ! " I checked them out .

"Come on werido ! Hey Pierre , Sophia , and Eleandor ! " Gems said waving and Abbey hugged them .

"Let's go . Through the garage . " Sophia said smiling .

"Yeah ! That's fun and lets get you all pretty . " Abbey added opening the garage from the outside .

"Why the garage and why am I getting dressed up ? " I was confused

"Shut up and just do it . " Elandor say sitting me in a chair .

They did my make up . They gave me beach curls . Then told me to put on a navy blue cocktail dress that was a heart on my chest and sparkly . Then to top it off they made me put on black pumps .

"Okay now that I am dressed can you tell me what's going on here ? " I said crossing my arms .

"No ! now where I my niece ? " Gems asked looking around .

Sophia handed her to her and Gemma put on a navy blue tutu and a black leotard with black stockings and black flats .

"You dressed me and my baby . What the heck is going on ? " I thought about it . " Are we partying without the boys permission ? Now that would be cool . A strip club ? AHHH " I paused " but then we would have to dress Kandy . "

" okay girls you guys get dress . Your out fit are on that rack " Abbey said completly ignoring what I said .

Soon Pierre , Sophia and Elandor was dress with their makeup done and their hair .

"Okay all done gals . Now are you ready ? " Gemma smiled really wide . That's creepy .

"Sure . im so happy " Sophia added

"Ready than ever ! " Elandor smiled fluffy her curls .

"Yep yep ! Now Rebecca are you ready ? " Abbey asked .

"What am I suppose to be ready for ? I don't know what's going on " I said a little more sassy than I should . Oh well

"Be happy please love this is the most wonderful night . Now smile and let's walk in ."

Abbey knocked on the door to go inside the house and Gemma turned off the light .

The door opened . It was Harry . I smiled genuinely . My baby . And Ahh he looking sexy ! He wearing a navy suit with a silver tie and white shirt .

"Hey baby . " I hugged him and pecked his lips .

"Hey love . Welcome home . And you look stunning . " He grabbed my hand and kissed my forehead

"You don't look to bad yourself ." I nudged him playfully .

He walked all the way in the house and there stood everyone in my life . I'm about to cry but I wanna know what's going on .

Everyone was smiling and mingling . They all look so happy . I let go of Harry and walked to my brother . He wasn't facing me so I went behind him and put my hands over his eyes . "Guess who ? " I smiled

I felt his cheek bone rise and he turned around really fast and hugged me tightly . "Baby sis ! How are you ? "

"I'm great ! I miss you ! but what are you doing all the way over here in England ? " I asked smiling and out of pure curiosity .

But , I Love You ... {Calum H./Harry S. Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now