Chapter 34

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Rebecca POV

After everyone left things got pretty heated . Currently me and Harry are laying in our backs naked under the cover . We are still breathing hard . We are staring at the ceiling and it is completely silent .

"That's was .. " He started

"Magnificent, awesome , hot , sweaty , rough , fun .. Need more ? "

He laughed. "Get dressed " he stood up and stretched .

Man I'm lucky I mean look at that the view !

"You should really try hard not to talk out loud babe . But I completely love it . It tells me how you really feel . "He winked .

I've gotten used to this by now . I can't help it .

"Where are we going ? " I stood up he smiled . " Perv "

"Only for you ! But we are going on a date . " He put on some Calvin Klein boxers with tight skinny jeans , then his signature white shirt

"Oh but it's snowing outside ! " I pointed and smiled .

"Kandy first snow day . We have to take pictures! I wanna go okay with her outside . Please ? When she gets home ? " He smiled widely with his dimples . He loves her so much . Such a great father .

"You don't have to ask me . She's your daughter too Harry . " I stood up and put on my bra , panties , black leggings , red thin long sweater , and some black boot heels . I threw my messy sex hair into a messy bun . I put in light makeup and brushed my teeth .

Harry came in and brushed his teeth and put in cologne. " Well where are we going ? If we can't go in a date since its snowing where can we go ? "

"We need to go find my dress and your tux . But before we do that we need to go taste some food and cake . Call they guys and I'll call the girls . Hopefully my brother and then won't be too made they can't join . " I grabbed my phone and peacoat then Harry did the same and walked to the kitchen .

I grabbed an apple and texted the girls in group chat and they said they would be here soon hopefully the snow won't be too much . Well it's not snow it's more like sleet . Thin snow .

"We could have went on a date.."

"But this is a priority!"


" Babe . I love you " he grabbed my waist . "I'm so happy to have you in my life . I truly enjoy you as an person . " He pecked my lips .

I smiled . " I love you more than words can describe. But don't use those same words in your vow. And if you are trying to find some lines to flatter me . It's working . " I patted his head and finished my apple .

"Way to ruin the moment " he pouted .

I kissed his lip . " I love you too sweetie "

We chit chat about the food and things and we don't want a traditional wedding so we are gonna spice some things up . And the colors should be a teal and cream color . I picked cream and he chose teal . It's a great match . Since we always talked about our wedding throughout small moments in our life it was simple choosing things . And thanks to my lovely gals , they have the list and cards already made .

The door bell rang and we picked to ride in one of the cars . It was 2 I went with the girls and he with the boys .

We pulled into the hotel for the reception. We all tasted different types of food and Niall enjoyed every bit of this . Most of us girls took small bites so we don't get full before the wedding dress fit . Because that fitting is gonna be a workout for us.We settled for Steaks , grilled chicken,and Salmon for our meat . Candy carrots , broccoli cheddar soup , or aspergus for the veggies . Fried rice , mashed red potatoes , or fish eggs for a side . The wonton soup or ceaser salad for the appetizer. And for desert we have turtle cheesecake and the wedding cake . The wedding cake is vanilla with teal edible flowers on it . As we was there we talked about having round tables , about 20 that can sit 10 people at it . So 200 people can attend . Then our table will be by the dance floor and our baby is gonna sit with us . Then they are gonna play a slide show and an interview show of us talking about each other . Which I think is totally adorable . Then we told them the hours of 8pm-12 am . We decided that the actual wedding will start at 6 pm at this church . We are cutting down our budget . So we told them everything now we our about to give them pictures and start the separate interview . I pulled out my laptop and have them some pictures I downloaded . Then I decided to go last or second in the interview because it's just for us two .

Harry went to a little room and we tried listening but it was hard . When we came out it was 5 minutes later and he had tissue in his hands and his eyes were watery . I ran up to him .
"Baby! What wrong ? What happened ? Are you okay . Baby ? "

He shook his head and smiled . "im crying because it was so sweet of how we met and how I'm so in love with you " I smiled and hugged him tight .

" Ma'am that was great footage can we use it ? " The manager asked .

"Yes ! " Sophia yelled

"You may lad. " Zayn said softly .

I glared at them and they high fived .
"I guess so " I said

"Of course . That was so romantic ! " Pierre giggled .

"Mrs . Styles it's your turn . "

I walked in the room . I instantly poured my heart out of all my feelings for Harry . Now I know how he got emotional. I walked out and smiled . " Let's go get our clothes now " I clapped

Everyone cheered then we went our separate ways . We tried on thousands and thousands of dresses until I found one I liked ! It was wonderful!

•••••••• (later that day ) ••••

Harry POV

We are currently on our way to a club . The 5sos boys and their gals are out at the concert so 1D and the girls decided to go to a club and let loose after this hard day . I dropped off Kandy at my Mum's .

Once we was there I grabbed Becca and we went to the bar . I drink straight vodka and she did shots all night . I got extremely drunk and I dragged her to the bathroom. She kept saying something But I ignored it . I roughly tore off her dress and shoved myself in her . It was out of lust and she kept screaming . She must have been enjoying it . I should stop but I can't . I was soon pulled off by some people then everything went black .

{edited 6/22/15}

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