Chapter 26

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Harry POV

I am so nervous about what she is about to say . She is probably gonna say no . I mean it hasn't been that long since she was with Calum .

I stared into her eyes and she stares back . She took a big breath and..

"Yes I will Harry ! " She breathed out .

It took me awhile to react but then I suddenly picked her up and twirled in many circles .

I started to get dizzy so I stopped . When I let her down we started to laugh loudly uncontrollably. We earned many states from people .

"Well Harry you don't seem very excited for me to be your girlfriend" she said sarcastically , then smirked .

"Well Ms.Irwin , let me show you . " I stepped closer until we were just centimeters away .

"And h-"

I cut her off by smashing my lips into hers . There was a spark igniting inside . I wonder do she feel the same . I mean we kissed before , but this was different . I licked her bottom lip to ask for entrance but he pulled away .

She smiled . " Styles , that was the best kiss i ever had with a lot of fireworks going off in my belly . I'm happy you asked me to be your girlfriend. "

I grabbed her waist and kissed her forehead. "I love you Rebecca . I really do but ... " I paused to see her reaction

"But what ? " She pulled back and look up at me with sadden eyes already

"Why you stop ? " I laughed hard

"HARRY ! Oh my goodness I thought you was going to say something mean . " She playfully hit my arm .

"Owe love ! " I rubbed my arm "but why ? "

"Because we can do that when we go home . " She winked . "Now let's go finish my wonderful birthday date with my wonderful boyfriend. " She linked my arm with hers and headed to the elevator . "Now Mr.Styles .. What's our next destination? " We got off the elevator .

We found our car and I opened her side . She smiled and said thank you .

I walked to my side and buckled in and started driving .

"Harry did you hear me ? " she glanced at me .

"Yes Becca and as before its a surprise . " I chuckled . I turned on the radio on low and grabbed her hand with my spare. "Becca, tell me about yourself . "

She giggled . " Like what ? "

"Any and everything. "

"Okay , well my whole name is Rebecca Ashley Iwrin . My birthday is December 6,1996 , im 18 ... Duh , Uhm im a sagatarious . I was born and raised in Sydney, Austraila. My mom name was Lucy and my dad was Martain . They both died from driving off a cliff and you know that . I was devastated but I lived through it . My brother is Ashton and he is in a band . Of course you know. My Bestfriend is Michael and Louis because they are freakin awesome . You are my only second boyfriend because of corse Calum was the first. I wasn't that popular so I didn't have many friends let alone many boyfriends. My two other Bestfriends are named Abbey and Gemma . I love converse, vans , and combat boots . I love Chinese , I hate seafood . I am currently 103 lbs and 5'4 . I can sing , I'm shit at dancing ,I use to be anorexic , my exboyfriend Cal cheated on me twice and he slapped me , I sleep with my headphones in if im by myself , I want to redye my hair but with purple , and I think I have a pretty great personality ! And that's pretty much it. " She smiled largely like she didn't just say anything bad .

"Uhm Becca ... Why were you anorexic , and didn't have many friends ? You are awesome! "I glanced at her then returned my eyes to the road .

"I became anorexic because I was bullied at school saying I was fat , a pig and ugly , and why I was bullied and called all these names , I have no idea at all but I don't care about that anymore because it's in the past and I love my body right now and I feel pretty and my confidence is growing and im becoming a stronger person and I love it . Snd I didn't have many friends because of this"She squeezed my hand to let me know she's fine .

But , I Love You ... {Calum H./Harry S. Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now