Chapter 12

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Rebecca POV

I arrived in New York a little after 2 pm . Wow I'm actually here . All the way from Sydney , Australia . I am just so happy .

I get off the plane with my luggage. Shit ! I need a place to stay ! I go sit down at a Starbucks table in the airport . I start looking for apartments. Wow maybe a condo , but they are quite pricey!


Oh my ! What's all the commotion ? I look over and see a bunch of girls surrounding something.. Or someone ..?

"Harry ! Harry over here ! Look ! Harry !
Don't cut your hair !
Are you single ? "

"Zayn !
Hey ! I love you !
Don't marry Perrie !
I ship you and perrie ! Zarrie life ! "

"Liam !
Who are you dating
Can you sign my boob ?
I love your birthmark
Can I have a kiss ?"

"Louis !
Are you getting a new tattoo soon ?
Do you love your girlfriend ?
When is the album coming out ?
When is the tour over ? "

"Niall !
I love your facial hair your growing
Can I touch your hair ?
I love you !
Are you going solo ? "

*those were fangirls and paparazzi screaming ..*

"Wow ! I wonder how they get all the chicks " I chuckle to myself . Wait .. Harry ? Nail ? Zayn - *gasp* that's one freaking direction .

They aren't my favorite boy band or group in the world but they are okay . I heard that they kind of found Ashton's band and taking them under their wing and bringing them on tour so I'm highly grateful of them . But I know it's gonna be all type of hell with all these girls ! Ugh ! Shit , shit , shit ! Why today ? But I have to pee maybe I can just leave my stuff here .

I walk inside the Starbucks restroom . I walked out and see no one in the coffee shop . All the girls are pounding on the glass window . What the heck ?

I walk out farther and see them . One direction and their luggage in front of me ! Yeppie . Out of all people im the one stuck in here . (Note my sarcasm ) I do not , absolutely not , want to be in here . These girls will kill me soon as they see me !

"Hey ! There's a fan gal in here ! You didn't get everyone out madam ! " A deep raspy voice yells out .

I turn my head . "Uhm im not really a fan gal . I had to use the restroom . Im leaving . I don't wanna really be stuck in here with you . No offense though .."

I put on my fakest smile and walk towards my luggage .

"Uhm miss , im sorry if we came off the wrong way .." I British voice say . Wait aren't they all British ? Or just 2 ? Ugh !

"Uhm , okay ? " I look around for someone who works here . "hi ...(I read her name tag ) Ms . Laura .. Can you unlock the door so I may get out . Please ? " I give an akward smile .

"Sorry Miss , I can not . The girls will knock me down and attack the boys . You have to wait until their bodyguards get here and escort them . I'm so very sorry . " She smiles , and look behind her . "Would you like a free coffee or muffin maybe ? " she give a sympathetic smile .

"Uhm sure , how long until the bodyguards get here ? " I walk to the cash register .

"One hour , they are stuck in traffic . The streets are filled with fangirls and tourist . So many of them ! They would be quite lucky to be in your place . I'm surprised you aren't fangirling . " She looks up . "What kinda of beverage would you like ? "

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