Just telling ya !

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I met Taylor Caniff today and it was fucking awesome! So like I stood outside for 3 hours ! Then when I got inside he took my phone and signed it . Then I got a hug and he kissed my forehead.

But when the man took my phone he took a horrible pic so TAYLOR freaking mom said she will do it and she took a video of us and some pictures!

So I got two hugs , a kiss on the forehead, a video and a bunch of pictures!

I was so happy I didn't know what to do !!! And I meet a great friend while in line . Her name was Nina ! And I can't believe I didn't get her number or anything! We took a picture together and idk I feel bad . But I'm glad I met her she was cool .

But this was just my experience. I wanted to share ! I love you all !
Bye ! ✌️

~ Atlanta Georgia| 2/8/15
Best day ever !

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