Chapter 17

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Rebecca POV

I sat there and I didn't know what to do . Oh shit ! I could just try and clear everything up on Twitter.

I grabbed my phone off the charger and I already had so many 'hate' and 'cheating' comments . What the hell ?


I heard a pounding noise on my door .

Shit that gotta be one of the boys .
I peeked through the eye hole and saw a puffy eyed Calum and an angry Ashton .

I opened it slowly . "Hey guys ... What's up ? " I gave a fake smile .

"Oh nothing much sis .. Just came to see WHY THE FUCK YOURE KISSING HARRY STYLES AND WHY PEOPLE ON TWITTER ARE CALLING YOU A SLUT AND SAYING YOUR DATING CALUM !!!! I thought you guys ended that shit ! " He pushed pass me and dragged Calum behind him .

"Uhh . Well first that kiss was by accident.." I closed the door and walked towards the living room .

"How in the hell do you fucking kiss someone on accident Becca ? " Calum sobbed .

"He gave me a hug because they were leaving- "

"Why are you even sharing a room with him ? " He raised his voice .

"Because Cal ! I didn't want to be near you at the time . Okay ! And then he was being friendly like what the hell ? I can't be hugged ? Then he was kissing my cheek like a gentleman and I thought he was done so I turned my head to look for the God damn remote and he touched FUCKING TOUCHED MY LIPS . And he apologized! Then Niall took the picture and posted it without even knowing the story ! That's the story ! Okay .. We just started dating again and you already think I would cheat like the fuck ? I forgave you ! " I yelled and tears poured down my face .

"Oh ... I'm sorry I- "

"Shut the hell up . Yes I know you got suspicious, im not mad but before you get on a rage and raising your voice and talking to me like I'm your child get your facts straight mister . " I gave him a hug .

"I'm sorry . I really am . Maybe we can hang out later . Or I can take you on a date . " He looked up and smiled .

"Seriously? Did you forget I was here ? " Ashton pulled us apart .

"No , but why are you here ? Not being mean or anything. " I asked

"Because why are you and Calum dating ? " He grabbed my wrist .

I shook him off . " Because i am almost 18 . I have the right to date whoever . Yes you can act like a big protective older brother by two years but you don't own me and I suggest you start respecting my decision. I don't want us to fight but I sure as hell don't want you to get the wrong idea think you control me . " I looked him dead in the eye

"Well .. Uh . Fine ..." He gave me a big hug .

" I'm happy we can talk through our problems. " I smiled .

"Yeah ." He sat down and pulled out his phone .

"Now let's clear this mess up ! "

@RebeccaIrwin : guysss i said before that was an accident with @Harry_Styles I luv @Calum5SOS

@Ashton5SOS : hey guys ! Please do not call my sister @RebeccaIrwin a slut because she isn't .

@Calum5SOS : me and @RebeccaIrwin are together we talked through everything. Stay away from her bitchachos ! I still luv my supporters!

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