Chapter 29

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Harry POV

Once I saw Liam pull up with Sophia I got extremely nervous . I looked from the door as the girls laughed and got into the car . I saw liam walk towards me and we did our handshake and he walked inside .

"So I call the boys they should be here soon . But why all of a sudden you want to meet lad ? " He spoke leaning into the fridge .

"Well I have a question . " I leaned against the counter .

"Shoot" he took a sip of his coke .

"Well I wanna ... Uh m-mar-ry uh Becca .. " I paused . "What do you think "

He stared at me and sipped his pop . It was a werid and long stare .

"Well I say go for it " then he walked away .

That it ?
I ran towards in in the living room .

I sat on the couch . " That's it ? "

"Well mate you guys have a family , live together , and hardly fight . I say go for it mate . " He turned on fütball and put his feet up .

"Well I mean -

The door bell rang and I got up .
I opened it and the rest of the buys came in .

Zayn patted me on the back and went to sit by Liam .

Niall ran to the kitchen and started making a sandwich .

Louis stood by my side . "Where is my niece an best friend ? "

"Ello to you too poobear! " I pouted .

He laughed " you haven't call me that in Forever mate ! but seriously where are they . And ello ! " He finished wth a smile .

We walked to the couch . " Well the girls went out . Well I made them so we can all chit chat . Have a manly day Ya know ? "

Liam chuckled . " Not really a manly man day but loverboy have an announcement . "

"We all are lover boys . If Ya think about it .. " Zayn spoke up .

"Yeah just that you guys love girls and I love food " Niall smirked .

"Anyways ... What is your announcement ? " Louis said changing the channel .

"Well I wanna marry Becca . What do you guys think about it . I don't wanna ruin our group because I love you crazy lads . "I ruffed Niall's hair . " But I don't wanna be stuck just being boyfriend and girlfriend . She might think I don't wanna move forward . I love her and I think it's time for my personal life to move forward . " I caught my breath .

"I say do it . " Zayn says . Of course he would because he is already engaged .

"I don't have a problem with it . I totally agree mate . Love is a beautful thing . " Louis said patting my shoulder .

"I already told you yes . Make a move . " Liam said . He got up and threw away his drink .

"I have no problem . Becca is great . " Niall said.

"Well okay I called her brother and thier group to come over last night so I can talk to them about it . And they agreed so they should be over later . But for the mean while .. Can we look for rings ? " I smiled .

"We just got here ! im all comfy lad " Niall said . He had crumbs all over his mouth .

I chuckled . " We can stop for lunch . "

"I'm in ! " He laughed

"I guess so , but I didn't bring a disguise . " Louis said .

"Let's pray for the best ! " Liam got up

But , I Love You ... {Calum H./Harry S. Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now