Chapter 4

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2 months ...

Its been two months since I last spoken to Calum . Its been tough. I see him everyday at my house , but i aviod conversation. It kills me every time he trys to talk to me and i ignore him . Every time i walk pass him he says the same thing . "But , i love you , no matter what Becca " .

I dont love him of course , im just confused thats all . I want more but i want to finish fixing myself . I mean , these last two months all i have eaten was 1 apple and drunk countless bottles of water . Ive been exercising daily . I've droped all my weight . I love this . I am now a size 4 . My bones are sticking out but i dont mind . Now all i have to do is to get myself a few social media pages . You know get a life . Go shopping for new clothes . Maybe even dye my hair and i will be ready for Calum . I will give him a chance .

People at school haven't changed . They still call me ugly and mean names but at least they cant call me fat and a pig and stuff . Thats a relief . I can actually stand school. Of course Abbey and Gemma stuck by my side the whole way. Ive gained a few friends but i will never put them before my best friends. 11 grade has ended and its now summer vaction . Ashton and Nicole has graduated, thank goodness. She never has to be around me either . I think Ashton cheated on her and they broke up . So she's pretty much out of my life . Good job Ash! Not that I condemn cheating..

Me an Ashton has gotten closer these past two months . Mum and Dad has been away and they come back in a few hours . Ashton has been really nice to me . He's stopped with the name calling. He hugs me more . He jokes around with me . He's mentioned me on Twitter and got me some followers . His band has gotten pretty popular around here in Sydney . They did a few gigs at some places after school and on the weekends . Since they all graduated besides Luke , they can do more performances . Im actually genuinely happy for them . Mum and Dad knows about their success, they are just happy they finished school first . Thats pretty rad though .

Im happy its summer . Mum and Dad comes back . No school . Parties for me .. If I get invited . Underage drinking and smoking! I will have my beach body . This summer shall be perfect. I wont let no one ruin it .

It now 12 pm in the afternoon . I should start shopping then go get ready to dye my hair . Maybe i should get Mikey to take me . He isnt awkward to be around . I bet he is an expert on hair dying too ! He's probably a pro . All we have to do is to get Ashton to let us borrow his car for a few hours .

"Ashtonnn , big brother ! You know i love you dont you" i said while sitting on his lap hugging him.

"Yes i do , and i love you too .... But i know you . What do you want Becca ? " he giggled

"Wellllllllllllll .... I wanna go shopping and go dye my hair and Mikey here is an expert on dying hair sooo ! Can we borrow your car pretty pretty pretty please ?!?" I squeezed him tighting in our hug .

"Sure ! But under one condiction"

"What is it ?"

"Michael drives . You are currently 17 . You cant and i dont need any tickets .."

"You trust Michael more than me ? He is like a big 10 year old with red hair and plays fifa all day ? I bet he drives crazy ! "

"True , but if you scratch my car your dead " he said seriously

"Deal ! But one more favor ?" I gave him a nervous smile.

"What more do you want woman ! Geez ? "He laughed .

"Well i only have $279 saved up for my new wardrobe . Can i borrow a few hundreds please ? " i gave him pupy dog eyes .

"Sure , i guess , but you owe me .... Ok , im serious Rebecca ... " he said sternly

But , I Love You ... {Calum H./Harry S. Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now