Chapter 6

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Today was the day.

Today we were leaving for America . I didnt feel like doing my make up or anything so i just threw on a black and white stripped shirt , grey skinny jeans and black boot heels .

"Sis ? Are you ready we got to go before we miss our flight ! " Ashton yelled behind my door .

I looked aroun my room . Well it isnt mine anymore . It was empty . None of my belongings were in here . It was like i was never here . Maybe thats good . A new track to live and i erased my old one .

"Yeah , i am . More than i will ever be . " I said while walking out my room .

"Great . Now lets go . Oh and by the way . You look beautiful as always. " he smiled and pulled me into a hug .

"Ashton , you dont have to say that everyday . I promise you .. Our past is behind is . I completely forgive you okay ? I love you and i know you love me " i smiled and put my hand on his shoulder .

He just smiled and hugged me again . "I do really love you . And if someone looks beautiful i have the right to call them beautiful " i smiled at him and just nodded .

We walked downstairs . The boys were on the sofa looking sleepy and very uncomfortable . My parents sat across from them with sadden eyes . Why are they sad they are the one who kicked us out .

"Goodmorning everyone . Lets go boys we got a catch to flight " Ashton said in his always cheery tone .

"Thank goodness ! It was getting so uncomfortable and awkward . No offence Mr and Mrs Irwin" michael said walking to the door .

"Sorry , he didnt mean it like that . And goodmorning Ash and Becca . " Luke said while giving me a side hug .

"Yes he did . But goodmorning Ash and goodmorning beautiful . " Calum gave me a kiss and a hug .

Michael scoffed an looked down .

"Whats up with that Michael ? Do you disagree i look beautiful ?" i smirked .

He quickly rose his head . "Nooo ! You look stunning in everything trust me Becca . But its nothing . Are you ready Mr and Mrs I ? Its getting late " he said while unlocking the door getting ready to step out .

"Why do they have to be ready ?" i said harshly .

"Uh .They got to take us to the airport . I mean we arent coming back for years so i cant drive my car there . Soo they have to drive us . If you dont want to we can call a taxi . " Ashton scratched the back of his neck .

"Oh .. No its fine . But lets go . "

We all went to my parents car . In the mini van was my mom and Ashton in the front . Me and Calum was in the back with our suitcases and bags in the backseat and trunk . It was very squished . I didnt know they packed so much . In my dad's lexis was my dad in the front and Michael and Luke in the back with their suitcases . I wonder if they were squished . I bet .

The ride to the airport was akwardly silent . I put in my headphones and so did Ashton . I kept mines in low so i could hear if something happened . I looked over and saw Calum fast asleep .I looked up and saw Ash bobbing his head to the beat of his music and his music was very loud through his headphones . I looked at my mom and her eyes were puffy and red . Has she been crying ? Why in the world would she ? She did this crap . That judgemental son of a -

"Becca .."

She interuppted my thoughts . Well i hope they were thoughts .

"What ? " I said harshly

But , I Love You ... {Calum H./Harry S. Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now