Chapter 16 Part 2

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We were in the middle want to know since they came into the front. When I saw Hawk walk into the building. I saw it and shook my head before it getting to my feet and walking over to him. "Hey," I said softly. "Hey what's up," he said setting his bag down. "Listen I don't want there to be bad blood between us" "Oh man just don't worry about that I'm already past it" "wait really I thought you were hating me because of the fight and the thing with Moon," I said slowly. "Yeah we were enemies for some time now, but we are cobra kai for life," He said. We did our handshake and walked back to ur spots smiling. Sensei came out and told us to fall in. Everyone scrambled to their spots before sensei spoke again. "Today we will be learning one the most important lessons in cobra kai you could ever know-". "Where's sensei Kreese" Hawk asked. "Mister Kreese will no longer be joining us," sensei said making some kids mummer. I on the other hand felt a huge wave of relief wash over me. "I made a promise when I became your Sensei, to always look out for your best interest. despite how hard this may be for all of us he didn't have our best interest at heart John Chris may have founded Cobra Kai but he no longer represents what this dojo stands for." He said pacing back and forth. "Is Cobra Kai was old and outdated he refused to move forward and what happens when we do that wolf" "you get stuck like cement" "exactly, to be a great fighter you got to learn to adapt" he said before looking at the words on the wall behind him. "This creed on the wall... Follow it to the letter it'll make you strong it'll make you formidable it will also make you an asshole" he said. I felt my body shiver when he said those words. "Cuz that's just black paint on a white wall lights not black and white more often than not it's gray and it's in those gray areas where Johnny Lawrence's Cobra Kai sometimes shows Mercy" he said shocking the entire class. "Doesn't mean you can't be badass it's still a requirement but you have to learn to think now just with your gut or your fist but to really use this"he said while typing on his head. "Which lead me to today's lesson"he said picking up a board and smashing it with his head. "Hey budding"he said. we all started smiling like a bunch of DD kids looking at candy.  "Grab a partner" he said. I grabbed the kid closest kid next to me before setting him in front of me and headbutting him sending him flying to the ground. I smile Trump and leave before chubbs walked over to me. "Oh that was awesome do me next" he said. I simply shut them before I head buddy him. He dropped down to the ground and grown in pain before laughing It off.


I was inside of sensei's apartment helping Miguel find a date on this dating app. "okay the app is downloaded what type of women are you looking to meet" just saying I just looked at my girl with a look before he smiled and nodded his head. "Super hot babes dumb question, okay what are your likes" "my likes" "yes your likes" "what am I supposed to say long walks on the beach I like muscle cars martial arts and iron eagle and iron eagle two" Miguel and I just looked at each other before shaking her head. "Why aren't you guys writing this down this was your idea Miguel" "look you have to take it seriously otherwise it's not going to work" "we used to be simple find a chick at a bar bump into her hair, but not too hard pretty hard then you buy her a beer," he said. "Yeah that's not going to work at all" "tried and true Diaz that's how the cavemen did it... Caveman that's another like you know like the one in those insurance commercials" "look I think I can chill out the rest of this on my own what about clothes what are you wearing" "what are you going to teach me about fashion now" "might have to"Miguel said before handing him the phone. Miguel walked into his closet looking through different shirts before he turned back to us. "So I was thinking better shirt and some distressed jeans got any" Miguel said. "I have old jeans if that's what you're saying," sensei said. Sensei's phone buzzed and he set up quickly. "Hey, there's a chick on my phone," he said. "Just swipe right if you like her and we'll set up a bunch of dates," I said. "this is dumb you can't find anything out about a chick from one--ohh this one's hot," he said making me roll my eyes. "Hey is it okay if I take this" Miguel yelled back to us? "Yeah whatever," he said before going back to his dating app. "No, no, no, not with a 10-ft pole, lose the mole, and you're in, actually yes," he said making me laugh. I was looking at Miguel Trying on sensei's jacket when I felt my phone vibrate. "Hello," I said and I confused tone. "Hi is this Carlos you left your number with us when you brought in the Red wolves a day ago," the woman said. "Oh yes I'm sorry this is Carlos, is there a problem," I asked concerned. "No please Tristan don't do that," she said before I heard a crash in the background. "Is everything all right over there?" I asked. "Could you possibly come down to the vet please we really could use your help" she said before hanging up? "Okay I'll be on my way," I said slowly before taking the phone away from my ear. "There a problem kid" Sensei "Yeah, Sorry I got a bill I hope everything's go's, well," I said before walking out of the room. I come to my keys for my pocket. I put on my helmet and started my bike.


I arrived and parked.  I started walking up to the door when I heard a bunch of crashing noises. I ran inside running right up to the counter. "Hey you called me and said that you needed me I'm Carlos," I said in a hurry. The lady looked at me and walked me to the back where I could hear growling and scraping against a door. I felt a presence next to me that I didn't even look at. "What happened," I asked. "Well or do you feel like everything was going right there we were able to get them all fed and comfortable and we were able to give a chance to another week but then today when we moved into another room it started to freak out and misbehave," she said. I nodded and looked inside the room through the window to see Loki and Thalia knocking stuff off of counters and whimpering. "Where's Accalia," I asked. "Who," she asked. "Accalia the mother wolf," I said looking at her angrily. "she got so aggressive that we had to sedate her," she said. I looked at her and growled. "You took away a mom's Cubs and then you're wondering why she so aggressive," I said. "We just wanted to see and check out the Cubs without the mom to intervene," she said backing up from me. "I sighed and slowly started opening the door" "wait what are you doing," she asked scared. "What does it look like I'm doing I'm about to do your job," I said annoyed. I opened the door and closed it making the two wolf cups look at me. They saw me and started growling. "Don't you to growled at me now get over here now" I ordered. They both huffed before coming over to me smelling me before laying their heads down. Loki looked at my shoe before he started biting it. I chuckled before kneeling down and picking up the cubs. "You two just couldn't be good cuz you," I said smiling. Thalia licked my hand.

 It was dark out when I finally able to get them calm down enough to where the doctors could come in and run some tests on them. In the process some of them earning growls from the two twins. I walked them back to their mother's door. I had to breathe in and out a couple of times before I opened the door. I heard a sharp growl which made me flinch. I turned my head to see Accalia in the corner growling and upset. I shook off my fear and started making my way towards her. "Hey, you remember me," I said while approaching the mother wolf. She tilted her head in curiosity before she sniffed all around my body before she lay down and started biting my shoestring. "What is with you guys in my shoe," I asked before I set the cubs on the ground with their mother. They snuggled next to her which made me smile. I kneel down and started scratching them behind the ears watching as they smiled. "Looks like you guys finally know who the Alpha is," I said softly. I put them inside their bed and watched as they fell asleep together. I stood to my feet I took out my phone and checked the time to see it was already 10:00. "All right I have to come you guys should be good," I said looking at them. But it was no use as they were already sound asleep. I chucked to myself before closing their door. "Thank you for all your help today," a nurse said. "Yeah it's fine it's my pleasure, I actually have one more favor," I said. "Um sure, what is it," the lady said. "The twin's names are Loki and Thalia and the mother's name is Accalia. Not whatever name you came up with" I said. "And if anything happens to themI'mcoming for You," I said. getting in her face. The Lady looked hurt and terrified at my words. I just shrugged before walking out of the building. I hopped on my bike and started to make my way home.

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