Chapter 3 Part 2

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Sissy and I were both at the warehouse store looking for some paint in glass to fix up the dojo. Except the only problem was we didn't know where anything was so we had to ask one of the workers. "Hey man," sensei said grabbing the man's attention. "Hey," he said softly. "We're looking to replace a 4 by 8 piece of mirror, " I said. The worker wasn't even listening to me instead he was smiling at sensei's shirt. "Metallica noice" the guy said excitedly. "Rock on man," Sensei said making me roll my eyes. "Rock on indeed man the eighties were the best era ever right he said, I mean I was only like five years old when it happened but still you remember Caddyshack," the man asked. I just sighed already tired of this guy. "Yeah you remember the Gopher that used to dance," he said before doing a weird dance. he then stopped and broke into a laugh before asking more questions. "Hey my question is that a real gopher that they got to do that or is that like something they did-" "for the Love of Christ can you please just get the mirror glass," I said. The guy walked away awkwardly before sensei gave me a disapproving look. "Shut up you wanted to do it too," I said putting my hand on the top of my head. it was quiet for a while we were looking around for some more things before we started hearing our voice I recognized instantly. Sensei and I both looked at each other before we looked over to the next aisle to see Mr. LaRusso and Robby talking. We were literally spying and trying to be as silent as possible. But as we respond the worker came back and gave our spot away. "Hey Metallica man we got that a mirror glass all set for you so just come up to the front and pay for it," he said. Since they and I both came out from our hiding spots to see Mr. LaRusso had a glare on his face. And to make matters worse the worker recognized Mr. LaRusso. "Whoa, LaRusso Auto, chopping prices pshh pshh," he said doing the karate moves he saw from the commercial. Robby looked over to us and glared at his father. I on the other hand had an awkward smile on my face before slightly waving. "Hey guys, how's it hanging". "Hey you look like him is this your son," the guy said talking to Robby. "And the hits just keep on coming, "I said to myself. "Hey man, just put the glass on the loading dock and give me a second" sensei said. "So what are you guys doing here," I said awkwardly. "Just working on a little project you," LaRusso said. "Same" sensei said. It was quiet for about a minute before Mr. LaRusso spoke again. "Give me those I'll go pay for these," he said. "Yeah and I'll head towards the loading dock," I said. Mr. LaRusso and I quickly sped walk away from the awkward encounter.

"So how do you think that is going to go," he asked me. "Well, it's probably going to start off good then Sensei is probably going to say something that offends Robby. Robby is going to say something that offends him and then they're going to go their separate ways". "Wow, you got all that," he said shocked "Well I knew Robby since I was a kid and I've gotten to learn more about Mr. Lawrence a lot more of these past few months". Mr. LaRusso looked like he wanted to tell me something but was hesitant. There was an awkward silence between the two of us until I decided to speak again. "So what are you guys in here for anyway," I asked. "I don't know if I should tell you that," said chuckling. I was eyeing him suspiciously now before I smirk grow on my face. "Is it illegal?"I asked. "What, of course not". "It's drugs isn't it". "No would you stop that". "I knew that auto shop was too good to be true," I said. "what are you talking about," he asked annoyed. "You help slip drugs into the country use your auto shop as a cover," I said simply. "what are you talking about kid me and Robby just have a little project going on" he replied. My mouth was hung open which made him frown at me and confused. "What is it now," he asked. "You gay Mr. LaRusso," I asked. "wh-- huh," he said shocked. "I mean it's cool nothing's wrong with it, but shouldn't you at least tell your wife it's wrong to just lead her on". "Jesus kid what the hell is wrong with you," he asked. "Isn't Robby still underage". "that's not what's happening-" "I guess you say as long as they look grown they going to get that grown-ass you know" I said looking him up and down. "Carlos oh my God". "You like Herbert the pervert off of family Guy". "I'm nothing like that guy," he said shocked. "Yes you are, I bet you were like "Hey Robby want to do some karate with me, work on my little project," I said in the pervert's voice. "Can you please stop" he begged? "I bet you offered him a popsicle and everything". "It's a dojo okay, it's a dojo I'm not moving drugs and I'm not trying to get with a 16-year-old boy," Mr. LaRusso said loudly. everybody turned our way with very confused looks and started pointing. "Think you said it a little too loud" I trying not to laugh. "Shut up and help me take these to my car," he said. "sure I got time to kill".

We walked outside to his car and I helped him put his appliances in the trunk when I heard Robby approach us. "How did it go," LaRusso asked. "How do you think it went, he cares about his stupid rivalry with you more than he does me," Robby said before getting into the passenger seat. Mr. LaRusso sighed and looked at me. "Told you so," I said. I went to Robby's window to say my goodbyes before I went back. "Hey little boy blonde," I said softly. "whatever you're going to say about me and my dad just save it," he said. I scoffed at his comment before saying "I wasn't, I was going to tell you to take care, and also for that comment you can suck my Big. Fat. D-" "Carlos," Mr. LaRusso said giving me a warning look. "What, I was going to say dinosaur," I said before smiling. "Yeah okay," Mr. LaRusso said making Robby laughed. "Oh is that funny to you, "I asked. "oh yes yes it is," Robby said smugly. I laughed and ruffled his hair before I went back into the store.


When we got back to the dojo since they and I started working on fixing up the dojo automatically. After about an hour or so of getting the dojo back together,  Sensei and I smiled before fist-bumping each other. "There is beauty in a hard day of work," I said. "You bet your ass there is now we are back up and ready," he said. We were snapped out of our celebratory moment when we saw Krease walk right through the door "Well someone's a pain in my ass" I said. I saw a sense of jump up from his spot which made me jump right between the two. "all right, hell to the no I spent my entire day helping to fix up this Dojo that you two broke okay. y'all start fighting again I'm gonna beat both of y'all asses" I looked between the two as they both gave me a stern look. "What, I'm being honest," I said while shrugging. "I just want to talk and then I'll be on my way" Krease "yeah what is it," Sensei said coldly "I'm sorry, I realize I was too hard on you you were young and I went overboard you were my best student you had so much potential I just couldn't stand seeing you lose I know I can be a tough son of a bitch, but if you saw some of the things that I've seen...well that doesn't change what I did. For years I regretted that night but when I heard that you brought back cover Kai I...I thought maybe this could be a shot for me to redeem myself cuz believe me there ain't nothing I like more in this world than to have another chance I understand if you never want to see me again but just remember I am the guy who always rooted for you". He turned around and went for the door before he stopped. "Oh, I almost forgot," he said walking over to us. When he was next to us he reached in his bag and pulled out an old karate trophy that read second place all valley karate championships 1984. "I fixed it for you," he said holding it up for Sensei. When Sensei didn't grab it he set it on the ground. "It may say second place but in my opinion, you are always the better fighter," he said before giving him a wink and walking towards the door. When he walked out the door Sensei thought for a minute before running out the door too. I followed him to the door to see he was already talking to him. And for some old reason, my body started shivering. It was like my nerves were screaming telling me to run for the hills. A cool breeze blew by it made me shiver to the bone. And that's when I knew a war was going to break out. 

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