Chapter 15 Part 2

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After walking for felt like forever, I let the wolves out to stretch their legs by the river. My mistake because as soon as it was time to go I went to pick up the male cub but he nipped my finger. I was angry both at the cub and myself for even letting it happen. And now I was thinking I'm probably going to have to get a shot. Luckily I managed to get them all back into the back and we continue doing our merry way. While walking the male baby the world cup kept looking at me the whole entire time until I finally decided to speak. "You know I don't appreciate you biting my finger, I get it it was an accident and I snuck up on you that was my bad but come on my fingers," I said showing my finger. "Now if it weren't for your mom and the fact she could probably tear my throat out with her teeth I probably would have thrown your little ass in your River," I said looking at the wolf cub. The mother huffed in protest. "Listen, I'm not saying I'm going to actually do it, I'm just saying if I did you would look at me like "Where's my son" and I would have replayed like "no I haven't seen him, last time I checked he was by the river drinking some water probably licking his asshole too, the poor son of a bitch I miss him already," Luckily I'm a nice person," I said. The baby cub started whimpering at my words and I felt my heart cave in. "Okay look I'm sorry I didn't mean it," I said frantically. I was hesitant before I mustered up some strength and set my hand on top of its head. It paused for a moment before he started licking my hand. On the outside, I was calm and collected but on the inside, I was freaking out. I gave a small smile before we started walking again. 

As we walking I started to hear some commotion going on in the back. I got to a higher point of view before I saw Hawk sitting in a giant tree. He jumped down onto Assface and took his headband. I was smiling for a bit before I saw Hawk pull out a necklace I instantly recognized that's the Medal of Honor. I growled and s started making my way towards him. I finally found him making his way through the trees and when I know I had them I said my back with the wolves behind a bush no one would think to look behind. I was posted against a tree waiting when I saw Miguel. "You found out too huh," I asked. "he has the medal of Honor, and he's going to pay for it," he said. "yeah we'll get in line brother, because with all due respect this isn't just a match this is personal so I'm going to ask you nicely, Back. Off" I said angrily. The two of us were staring at each other with anger on our faces neither one of us backing down from the competition. Miguel then sighed and nodded his head. We saw him as he approached us and stopped. "Finally two worthy the opponents," he said while smiling. "Except wolf has something that he needs to talk to you about," Miguel said. "So I finally was able to confirm you were the one who trashed Miyagi-Do, "I said. his smile instantly faded and he became nervous. "They're the enemy I had to put them in your place," he said. "What about Dimitri, you weren't scared to try to attack him at the mall and then you send your goons after me but I'm the one still left standing," I said. "And you that means you have to trash their dojo and steal the medal of Honor," Miguel asked angrily. "Why you two even care, what wolf do you have a thing for Miguel's ex," he said mockingly. I just smiled at him before cracking my knuckles. "Just because you two went soft doesn't mean I have to," he said. I clenched my jaw in anger and balled my fist.  "We're not soft and this isn't about Sam it's about you being a dick," I said. "Yeah sure, but if you want the medal so bad come and take it," he said revealing the medal. He placed it back into his shirt before getting into a fighting stance. I got into my own fighting stance and growled. 

he charged at me before leaving into the air trying to deliver a kid to my head. but I managed to block in time before he did another high kick which I duck underneath. He tried running and jumping off the tree before trying to deliver a kid to my head which I blocked again I followed up with a downward kick he quickly dodged I followed up with some more kicks which he dodged. He tried sending me a fury of punches but I block them all before punching him in the chest. He backed up and tried to punch me but I caught his arm and kneed him in the stomach before flinging him to the ground. I delivered a punch to his stomach before he caught my fist. "Is that all you got" he kicked me and I flew into a tree hitting my back hard. He tried to follow up with a kid to the head but I dodged and delivered a switch turning kick which blocked. he tried punching me some more but I blocked and caught his arm before I elbowed him on this side of the head. I pushed him off of me before doing a 360 training kick to his head sending him to the ground. I watched as he groaned in pain I walked over to him and ripped the medal of honor off of his neck. Miguel came over and ripped his headband off his head before walking away. "That's all I got," I said. I turned around to see the whole class standing there watching as Miguel was in a headlock by Chub's and he was giving a lesson about stingrays before ripping Miguel's headband off making the red team cheer. I ran up behind him before snatching his headband off and sweeping his legs. "The thing about wolves ladies and gentlemen if you see one there's bound to be at least 10 more," I said holding up his head man.

 The black teen started cheering which instantly made me started shushing them. "you got to be quiet" I said surprising everyone "what's going on" Miguel asked. "I'm going to go grab something out of the bush but when I come back you guys have to be quiet and stand still during the whole time okay," I said. they nodded their heads and I smiled.  "Yo sensei you still got an extra piece of jerky," I asked him. He nodded and toss it to me. I went back to the bush to see you the wolves all cuddled up and sleeping on one another. I sighed before gently lifting the bag off the ground before walking back over to the group. I put my finger over my mouth to shush now and cry come on down. Before I unzip the bag a little to show them all the wolves. Some of them backed up and fear which is understandable. "Wh- Why do y- you have wo- wolves" Miguel whispered. "The mom was hurt and I couldn't leave them there," I said. "Sensei can you take me to the vet" "Yeah just sit in the back with those things I don't want them pooping all over my car" he whispered. "What's their names anyway" "I've been waiting for somebody to ask me that," I said smiling. "This one's Loki," I said softly while pointing to the boy cub. "Why Loki," Aisha asked. "Because he's a pain in the ass," I said shaking my head. "What about the other baby one," Tory asked I smiled a bit before looking down. "This one is Thalia," I said pointing to the girl. "And last, Accalia," I said putting my hand on the sleeping she-wolf. Everybody wanted to get a few pics but the first time they tried I glared at them making backing up. They would all her angrily but stand there in awe. "Sorry to cut this short but I really got to get her to the vet before they start waking up," I said. People backed up and moved out of the way so I could walk to the car without waking them. I gently sat down having jerky on standby. Sensei went to turn on the radio when I flicked his ear with my hand. He turned around at me with an annoyed look which made me frown at him. "What the hell are you doing" I whispered angrily. "just a little bit of guns n' roses," he said with a pleading look "Sensei, if you touch that video at all during this trip I'm going to punch you in the dick" I growled.


after leaving the Vets with the pack of wolves and my number in case anything happened. Even though I had to get a shot for safety I grew to love those wolves like my family in that small amount of time.  Miguel and I headed over to The LaRusso's house to return some property. We knocked on the door a couple of times but got no answer.  I wet to knock again when I felt the door swing open revealing Robby Keene. He smiled at me until he saw Miguel standing beside me. "What is he doing here" "Look he's not here to fight, we just came to give something back," I said revealing the Medal of Honor. He took it out of my hand and looked at the two of us. "So you guys did take it" "No listen we had nothing to do with what happened to your dojo," Miguel said. "Just tell sam I'm sorry" he added. Robby just looked at the two of us before closing the door. "That was intense," I said. Miguel chuckled before I put my arm around his shoulder. "Time to go home," I said handing him my helmet. He just groaned making me laugh.

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