Chapter 19 Part 2

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I woke up in a hospital bed with something wrapped on the right side of my face. I looked around the room to see a doctor standing there. it took a minute before my one good eye adjusted to the light. I tried to get out of the bed but the pain made me wince letting the doctor I was awake. "Oh thank God you're awake," the doctor said. "where's my brother," I asked softly "Don't worry he's in another room but for now we're going to worry-" "take me to my brother," I said cutting him off. "Um, how about you lay back down and we can-" "I don't want to lay back down I want my goddamn brother," I said angrily. "Maybe we can give you something to calm your nerves a bit," he said reaching for a sedative. I jumped out of my bed and grabbed the doctor. I took a scalpel from a drawer and put it towards his eye. "You're going to tell me his room or you're going to lose an eye," I said in an angry voice. "H-He's in c-critical" the doctor said. I shoved the doctor down and started making my way off the room. My body was still weak from the fight. I somehow managed to find my way all the way to critical. I saw my mother along with my grandma looking through a door. "Where's my brother," I said while leaning on the wall. My voice caught their attention and mom came pulling me into a tight hug. "Where's my brother mom, where's Miguel," I said. "Honey perhaps you should lie down," Mom said. "I don't want to lie down I want to see my BROTHER" I yelled. They both step back away from me as I made my way towards a small window. I looked at my brother stretched out of the gurney

I started to lose the feeling that my legs before I finally crashed down to the ground

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I started to lose the feeling that my legs before I finally crashed down to the ground. I felt my world crash down and go dark.


I was sitting on my bed in my hospital room. I had to be handcuffed to my bed. I guess they really didn't like it when I threatened my doctor but they left all of my personal items and my phone. I heard my phone was a couple of times which irritated me. I looked at the phone to see I had two voicemails from Miguel. I instantly unlocked my phone and started listening to the first voicemail. "Voicemail 1. "Carlos hey I'm not sure where you are but the fucking cops are here it's wild, if you see Tori give me a call I'll meet you back at the house love you got to go". I chuckled to myself before clicking the next voicemail. Voicemail 2. Hey Carlos it's Miguel when I woke up I saw that you never came home last night so I hope you're okay, um, I'm having some girl trouble now and I remember all the stories you used to tell me about that girl named oh crap what's her name again...Allison it's Allison and I was wondering if I could get your help. I was going to call Sensei but I figured I'd give you a call first after all you are my big brother. We should go by the dojo after school you know mom's working tonight, maybe the three of us can go to that one Burger joint that since they like so much. Well, I'll see you later I love you, bye". I took the phone away from my ear and I started to cry uncontrollably. "Why does this always happen to me," I said through my tears.

After my crying session, I was just sitting on my bed while looking out the window when I heard a knock at the door. I looked at the doorway to see Moon standing there. She gave me a small smile. "Brought you some food your mom said it was okay," she said setting it down. "did you know that when I'm fighting I'm never really angry, except today," I said well looking out the window. "I guess I finally reached my breaking point". I looked at her with tears swelled up in my eyes. "Why did he have to get hurt, I could have saved him, I know I could have," I said angrily at myself. "Well sometimes there are things we can't fight, you're only one person you're not that powerful Carlos," she said. "Well I should be, I'm supposed to be a wolf, an Alpha, they are supposed to protect their own," I said. letting the tears falling "Carlos" she said softly. "It's all Sensei's fault, he was holding me back," I said tugging on my handcuffs. "I know you're upset and I know you're angry," she said. "I-I hurt them, you know the funny part it felt good and I want to hurt them all every single one of them," I said. "But you can't they're our friends," she said. "I want to hurt them, every single one of them. And not just Robby but Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do do too, they're like savages, so I'll destroy them like savages, I Hate them," I said. When I finished she backed away from me with tears in her eyes before walking out the door. It was good that she left because when I get out of this place there will be hell to pay.

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