Chapter 3

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Me and Miguel's walked into the house and I said. "Mom Grandma we're home," I said. I walked into the kitchen to set the stuff that we got from the store on the table. Our mom has been walked into the kitchen with an angry expression on her face.
"You're late," she said with her hands on her hips and sending daggers through our brain. "I'm sorry mama we got a little sidetracked, "I said before kissing her cheek. When I kissed her cheek I winced in pain as my wounds were still fresh. "You kids are going to be the death of me," she said pinching the bridges of her nose. She then looked at me and Miguel "You okay," she asked me with concern. "Yeah I'm totally fine," I said trying to cover my face with my hoodie. "Why are you two acting so weird," she said. "What were teenagers mom teenagers do weird things," Miguel said. She was looking between the two of us eyeing us suspiciously. "All right sit down and tell me what is happened," she said. Miguel and I both sat down at the table still trying to cover our wounds. "Would you take the stupid hoodie's off?" she said. "What it's like my favorite hoodie," I said. she then walks over to us and snatched our hoodies off revealing our wounds. She was looking at us with a shocked expression on her face while covering her mouth. Her eyes went from confusion so weary to anger in those five seconds. "Who did this to you" "nothing mom we fell, "Miguel said trying to make a conversation go away. "Yeah, good one like she's going to believe that," I said laughing. "I don't see this as a laughing matter who did this to you," she said. I sighed and told her what had happened at the Mini Mart. "What are these boy's names cuz I will drive right down to there's parent's house and rip their lungs from there ass-" "Mom Mom it's fine it was already taken care of," I said.

Miguel and I got up from our seats and pulled our mom into a hug. "Mom I promise that were fine look Miguel barely got injured and you know me I'm as tough as a rock so if I come out with a bloody nose and a busted lip I'm fine," I said. "I know you get that from your father I just don't want you to end up like him," she said. I sighed and looked at her and my brother "Trust me I won't end up like that douche" I said. "All right you two go to your room and get in the shower you guys smell terrible" "thank you," Miguel said smiling. After I got out of the shower and got dressed I was Drying my hair when Miguel started to speak. "Thanks for having my back," he said. I could tell something was wrong with him. "What's up, something bothering you," I asked with concern. "Nothing I promise," he said. "Well mom always said never make a promise that you can't keep, plus I can tell when you're lying," I said putting my shirt on. "I wish I could fight like you" he said balling his fist. I then set my towel down knowing what this was about. "Miguel there's a difference between defending your brother and fighting for glory and last time I checked I lost the fight tonight," I said laughing. "Yeah but you weren't a coward and just stood there," he said angrily. I frowned at his words and said "You are not a coward for not fighting its the type of people like you that end up with a nice house, a girl, and kids. And it's the ones like me who are too quick to fight who end up in prison" I said sadly. "You are the best little brother I could ever have," I said pulling him into a hug. we broke apart and it was quiet for a second until I said. "Plus those guys were assholes," I said smiling at him. That's when my name got called grabbing my attention. "Yes mama" I yelled to her. "Watch your mouth" she yelled back. Miguel started laughing at me while I had a confused face. "How does she do that," I said before joining Miguel in the laugh. I ruffled his hair a little bit and we walked out to eat dinner.


Me and Miguel were outside on our phones when we heard a red firebird pull and Miguel both walked into his car as he was getting out. "Mr. Lawrence I just wanted to say thank you for yesterday," I said. "Yeah really meant a lot to us" "yeah well you said it," he said before walking away. "So was that like taekwondo or jiu-jitsu or MMA, "Miguel asked. "No it was karate old school karate" he replied. "Do you think you could teach us?" Miguel said surprising us both.  "What no" "Com on when school starts those guys are going to ake my life miserable" "I thought I told you not to worry about that," I said grabbing his shoulder.  "And I don't want you to," he said breaking out of my grasp.  "Yeah listen to your brother It's not my problem" "If I knew just a little bit of what you knew then I would be-" "Forget it I don't do karate anymore, I'm not sure I'm even allowed to be around kids right now," he said irritated. "You can open your own karate dojo," Miguel said. "Look I'm not getting into this with you alright, You want my advice, stop being so annoying and you won't get your ass kicked so much," He said. "Watch your mouth," I said glaring at him. Mr. Lawrence then walked away to his apartment and closed the door. "Dude what the hell are you doing," Miguel said snapping at me.  "What am I doing, what are you doing" I yelled at him. "You know mom hates fighting" "But that stop you from fighting now did it" he snapped and walked towards the house "Moms gonna freaking kill me," I said to myself. 

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