Chapter 18

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I was back at the dojo and it was a lot fuller than last time. I know I said I like having more than Miguel and I are practicing Cobra Kai but it was full to the brim. Me, Miguel, and Aisha were the only ones who had the actual Cobra Kia gi on as we earned them. we were practicing our punches while all the rest of the kids were busy talking to one another. I looked over at the entrance of the backroom to see Sensei standing there with disbelief on his face. He stepped outside the room. And he tried to grab their attention but all that came out was a nervous "okay today we begin-". He stopped in mid-sentence and looked terrified. I looked at the crowded kids around the room before I turned back to sensei I could see why he was nervous. "Don't worry Sensei you got this" I said. He gave me a small smile before he yelled his signature "QUIET". I smiled at this before looking at everybody around the room what they mean glare.

"Face forward" Sensei commanded. Everybody scurried to their spots and stood up straight as the Sensei started walking around the kids. He was walking around the classroom looking at all the kids in his class he spotted Dimitri. "Nice shirt," he said "Thanks" "I'm just kidding it sucks," he said which made me start choking on my spit. He continued walking but not before stopping in front of another kid. "Word of advice if you have shit for teeth don't smile," he said making the kid look at the ground "I'm going to go to hell, "I said trying not to laugh. "When I look around this dojo I don't see Cobra Kai material I see losers, I see nerds, I see a fat kid with his tits popping out," he spoke loudly. "But as my short time as a Sensei I also have seen some miracles," he said looking over at me, Miguel, and Aisha which made all of us smile. "But first I need to know where all of you are at so everybody, fall in," he said. Everybody was looking at each other confused except for Miguel, Aisha, and me. "That means line up," he said. Everybody side in relief and started lining up behind us three. "No no not like lines, like lines," he said frustrated "You mean Rows"Dimitri suggested. This made Sensei Lawrence put his hands on his head and frustration.

After about 20 minutes of getting everybody into rows, we were finally perfect and ready to go. "Fighting positions" since I yelled. The three of us jumped straight into action while Sensei had to show the rest. There were some who started to fast and didn't let him talk. "No wait till I say go," he said walking between the rows. We started doing our punches and while each time we did a punch Sensei would have to help another kid. I was focused on how fast I could go until I heard Sensei say "Hey you lip". I turned around to see you then Eli was getting nervous with all the people staring. "Yeah you lip the one with the freaky lip who do you think I'm talking to," he said. I was about to say something but Dimitri beat me to the point. "Oh um excuse me Mr. Lawrence" "it's sensei," Aisha and I said simultaneously. "Ok," Dimitri said sticking up his hands and defense. "You really shouldn't make fun of someone's physical appearance," Dimitri said. I could tell where this conversation was going and I knew it wasn't anywhere. "So what I'm not supposed to mention his lip at all," sensei asked. "Well yeah," Dimitri said shocked. "all right well maybe that's what they teach you in school but in the real world you can't count on people to do what they're supposed to do," he said.

I knew he was right my whole entire life has been a hellhole and people have let me down plenty of times. "You hear that lip if you can't handle people making fun of you how are you going to handle an elbow to the teeth," sensei said. "By calling the police, "Dimitri said in a slow tone. "Dude, knock it off," Miguel said embarrassed. "What, he does realize the Nazis lost right, why should I be scared of him because he has a snake on his wall"Dimitri said in a bold tone. I was getting pissed at Demetri's actions. It was one thing when you giving some advice it's another when you are being disrespectful. "It's not like he's a teacher that gives us a bad grade, we give him the money he works for us, and plus he can't even hurt us". The room was dead silent until I decided to speak up. "No Dimitri he can't hurt you, "I said with my head to the ground. I could already feel the energy in the room had shifted towards me. I looked up at Dimitri with a pissed expression on my face before I said "but I can". I started walking towards him when a hand stopped me. I looked to my right to see Sensei shaking his head no. He was looking at Demetri with a glare before he turned to me. "I got this," he said.

I've stepped back into my line as people cleared out of the way to where it was just Dimitri and sensei. "Are you done?" sensei asked. Dimitri didn't say a word as he was probably crapping his pants right now. "Go ahead hit me right in the face," he said. Dimitri got into a fighting stance before he threw a weak punch which since they easily swatted away. "Harder" sensei growled. Dimitri started grinding his teeth together in frustration before he got into another fighting stance. He threw another punch that Sensei smacked away. "Is that all you got princess?" sensei asked getting in his face. Dimitri got aggravated and actually tried to punch him in which since they grabbed his arm and flipped them onto his back. Miguel and I both cringed at the noise when he hit the ground. Sensei glared and look at the rest of the class before saying. "Let that be a listen to all of you". Everybody got back into their spot and for the rest of the class, Dimitri didn't say a word.

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