Chapter 7 Part

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Currently, I was at the beach with some friends having a nice problem-free day. We were playing volleyball with the bee snack in Dimitri tried to hit it only for it to fail and hit the net instead. I sighed and laughed. "Mulligan send it back," Dimitri said. "There's no Mulligan's in volleyball" Eli replied. Dimitri scoffed before saying "says you, water break" he said walking over to his bag. I had the same idea and walked over to mine as well. While I was getting my water out of my bag I felt a presence behind me. I turned around to see Moon standing there with a nervous expression on her face. "Hey Moon," I said before taking a sip of my water bottle. "Hey Wolf we uh never really got to talk more after the party happened in the valley," she said nervously. "Yeah you're right," I said. "And I'm not sure if you saw me but I was at the karate tournament" she stated. "Yeah, I saw you". "I tried to check up on you when you got hurt, but they said that you wouldn't let me in," she said confused. I put my head down ashamed and started silently cursing myself. "I told them that it was a misunderstanding and there had to be a mistake but-" "I told them to do it," I said cutting her off. "It was the night of the party in the valley I saw you kissing Hawk," I said softly. "Oh, listen I never meant to-" "I know you didn't and I know he didn't either but that doesn't mean I wasn't mad at the both of you, but after seeing how you and hawk are with each other I was happy for the both of you so I just learned to let It go," I said handing her water. 

"So you're not mad at us". "Oh don't get me wrong at first I was probably like Peter Hale mad," I said making her laugh. "So does that mean we're cool and we can go back to being friends"? I frowned at her words I wanted to say no that my feelings for you are still here but I put up a fake smile and kept my feelings in check as I just stood there and nodded my head. She smiled and walked away leaving me alone in my thoughts. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Miguel's voice. I walked over to him and dapped him up. He had this look of dread across his face which made me frown. "No, no more of this look it's a beautiful day and we're on the beach," I said. "Exactly the beach is packed with babes no more's sulking about Sam," Hawk said. "I'm not sulking about Sam, it's about Sensei," he said. I had a confused look on my face when he said this. "Is this about his rap sheet my parents read it online, but I think it makes them look more badass" Hawk said. "It's about him and Robby Keene" he replied. As soon as he said that a million thoughts were running through my head at a time. How did he find out, did somebody tell him, does he know about me and Robby, this is going to be bad.


We're all back at the dojo for more training we were all stretching getting ready for our training. But as we were stretching I was busy contemplating whether or not I should tell my friends about me and Robby's friendship. But I was thinking about her Hawk talking. "So I did a deep dive online and you're right, Sensei is definitely Keene's father".  Miguel sighed before saying "I just don't understand why he wouldn't tell us". "I don't know but it explains why he's giving us shit for kicking Keene's ass at the tournament show no mercy unless it's his son". Miguel looked over to me and frowned. "Hey man, why aren't you as angry". "Yeah, how come you're so quiet" Hawk added. I just sighed and shook my head. "Maybe there's a good reason why Sensei didn't tell us about Keene, maybe you guys interrogating him he's just going to bring up some bad memories," I said. After that Aisha stormed over to us with her phone in her hand. "You guys have you seen the commercial," she asked frantically. "what commercial," I asked confused. "A commercial with Mr. LaRusso". "No, why," I ask. "Because Sam's dad started his own dojo and he disses Cobra Kai," she says. She handed it to Miguel the phone and we crawled over to his spot and hovered over his shoulders.

 I looked at the screen to see Mr. LaRusso in a white gi on sitting in the middle of his dojo. "Because Miyagi-do karate that's not about the money it's about the karate," he said. "Ok, that was a dick move Mr. LaRusso," I said in my head. I looked up to see some of the students talking about the ad. "Wait why are we paying for karate if this other guy is doing it for free". My stare turned into a hardcore glare at the kid. I started walking towards the kid only to feel Miguel, Hawk, and Aisha trying to hold me back. "Why is he so strong," Hawk said struggling. "There's three of us here and he only has one arm to use," Alisha said in a strained voice. "He's always been like this" Miguel said. The kid saw me trying to get to him making him tremble with fear. He started backing up until his back hit the wall. I was face to face with the kid while my friends were still trying to get me away from him. "Carlos he didn't mean it right you didn't mean it," Miguel said. "Y- Y- Yeah I never meant anything I said". I was still looking at the kid hearing him gulp. "Pl- Please man I- I have a little sister at home," he said stuttering over his words. "So, am I supposed to care," I said in a cold tone. I felt my friends release me from their grip and slowly back up. "I advise you for the next time you feel like you should speak your mind, don't". I walked over back to my spot and continued my stretches. 

After I was done sensei came out and decided to pitch an idea to everybody. You wanted to make his own mini commercial about his dojo. We set up some boards and Aisha had her phone to record. And with that, we started. "There's been a lot of talk around the valley about free karate, but everybody knows in life you get what you pay for want to really keep the competition," sensei said before kicking a bonsai plant. "Then you need to to get your ass down to Cobra Kai screw that lane meditation bullshit, what you need is bone-crunching face-smashing good old American karate," he said. He threw a couple of punches and I elbowed to the dummy's face making me smile. "Enough about self-defense learn self-offense don't be a pussy, join Cobra Kai and let me teach you the ways of the fist," he said while posing for the camera. "And cut," Aisha said. "all right we get it," he asked. "I think so" she replied. "all right great just make sure the Cobra Kai snakes come in at the end all right I wanted to really pop make it chrome and play "thunderstruck" under it," he said. "I'm pretty sure the rights for that song will cost too much," Aisha said. "No I already own it, cassettes in the car," he said making us look at him with a confused face. "Oh and put one of those hash browns at the end you know like hash brown team Cobra Kai or something". "You mean a hashtag," I said. "Yes that, and then send it to the internet!!" He said walking into the back. We are just smiling and shook our heads.

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