Chapter 10 Part 2

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When we finally arrived at the beach house. It felt oddly familiar to me for some reason. We walked inside to see it was massive. It had food drinks. A pool. "Okay, this is not the beach where are the homeless dudes on rollerblades," tory said. "Or the guys shoving shitty hip hop demos in your face" I added. Aisha laughed at us before saying. "Don't worry they'll come after they pass out the hors d'oeuvres" she said. I was looking at the crowded pool area when I saw two familiar faces. I saw Robby and Sam down near the pool area getting their tans on laying in the sun. "Hey guys I'll talk to you later I see somebody I know," I said. "Oh okay bye Carlos," Alisha said. I started walking down the steps but by the time I made it over there Sam was already gone. "She isn't still mad at me is she," I asked. "Hey man what are you doing here," he asked smiling. "Why do you think I'm here boy blond I was invited or more precisely blackmailed," I said taking a seat. "Take a load off,p sleep in the sun it feels great," he said. I did what he said. Good thing I was already wearing shorts. I took my shirt off exposing my abs. I closed my eyes and let the sun keep me warm. It was a nice ten minutes but it ended when I heard a voice. "I knew it was you two". I open my eyes to see the manager staring at us with hate in his eyes. "What did I say what happened if you two ever step foot in here again," he said. We nervously sat up in our chairs and looked at each other. "I'm calling the cops," he said. "Uh, what's going on here," Mrs. LaRusso said walking over. "Nothing to worry about Mrs. LaRusso just removing these delinquents from the property," he said. "Dick," I said softly. "Well these delinquents happen to be our guest," She said. "Ma'am, I don't think you understand-" "No I don't think you understand Robby is our guest," she said cutting him off. "And what about the other one," he asked. "I was actually invited by Miss Robinson," I said. "My mistake," the manager said before angrily leaving. When he left Mrs. LaRusso gave us confused looks. "What was that about Robby, Carlos," she asked. "Before I met you guys I was a different person me and my friends did some stuff that I regret," Robby said. "Did you hurt anybody?" she asked. "no nothing like that" Robby replied. "Well in my case that's not entirely true," I said. "Well what did you do Carlos," she asked. "I might have accidentally broken that guy's nose," I said. "Carlos why would you do such a thing". "Because he was being a douche and screaming and like a toddler's face over a piece of bread and it was around the time where I was really bad at controlling my anger," I said. "But that guy was right maybe we should go," Robby said. "Yeah I don't want to start any trouble for anybody," I said. "No no hey look we all make mistakes that's what we do next that counts right," she said before getting up and leaving.

After a while, Sam had come over to tell us she and I used to didn't officially makeup like she wanted to. "I'm sorry things didn't go as planned for you" "she can be friends with whoever she wants" "hey have either of you seen my wallet," Mrs. LaRusso said searching through her bag. I looked at Robby to see he had a look of realization. Sam left in a hurry leaving just me and Robby. "You know something don't you" he gave me a small nod. "Yeah I think I know follow me," he said. I followed him all the way to the dock of the beach. We walked down the steps together to see no one there. "Okay, you got another trick of your sleeve" he gave me a small smile before lifting his hand underneath the stairs making a bunch of purses and wallet fall out. "Damn Robby," I said surprised. We then started hearing voices coming down the steps and waited for them. It turns out the voices belonged to the two guys I had taken out before at the auto shop. "This guy here, man," one of the guys says. "I see you're back to your old tricks again," I said. "Yep, same shit different summer" Robby added. "What do you even doing here Robby you win this ninja freak," the guy said. "What you say," I said getting ready to charge only to have a Robby grab my arm. "We found your stash and you're going to give it all back," Robby said. "The hell we are,". "you didn't learn your lesson last time that's cool". "what are y'all possibly going to do you off-brand Chris Brown and your partner right there he thought just because he shaved his little stash he thought that was going to stop him from looking like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo," I said getting into my fighting stance. "And shorter terms bring it," Robby said getting into his own stance. Right assuming we're about to attack Robby and I got hit in the back of our heads making us crash to the ground. "Ugg what the hell," I said looking up to see two big guys with paddles in their hands. "Man what you thought this was a three-man job and of course we got some backup after our litter encounter last time we had to get some backup" fake Chris Brown said. "Maybe we need to leave them with something to remember us by" shaggy added before taking out his knife. The big guys picked both of us up and put us in a headlock. Just as it looked as he was about to cut us Mr. LaRusso jumped down knocking the knife out of his hand. "Let them go" "don't listen to him" fake Chris Brown ordered. "All right grandpa we'll see what you got" he said before lunging at him. It was a quick little fight, it looks like the guys didn't even know the basics to throw out proper punch before they were both on the ground groaning in pain. "hey Robby you know what I just thought about" "No not really but whatever what are you thinking about" "your dad tell all of his students to slither" I said before owing the big guy in the stomach making him release his hold on me. I got down low and swept his leg from underneath him making him fall to the ground. the other big guy released this whole on Robby and tried to charge it while my back was turned. But instead, he caught a powerful kick to the face by Mr. LaRusso. We gathered up all the wallets and returned back to the beach house and turned them into the lost and found.

We had gone back to the Larusso's home after the incident. They were nice they thanked me for their help and gave me an ice pack. Then an idea popped inside my head which made me smile. I pull out my phone and started texting somebody. And they said they were going to be on their way soon. Robby and I walked inside the bed to find Mr. LaRusso doing his meditating. We didn't even say anything to him before he asked us how our heads were. "It was really stupid of us to get in that situation wasn't it," I said. "You're doing what you thought was right" Robby then pulled out his phone and showed it to Mr. LaRusso. "Something good to come out of it though" he didn't cut her his phone and showed us the recording of Mr. LaRusso fighting. "Former all valley champ takes out four criminals using Miyagi-do karate," Robby said. "let it go viral," I said. he gave us a small smile before he started shaking his head. "No,  Miyagi-Do is about defending yourself and protecting others not seeking credit," he said before handing back Robby's phone. We told him outside while he was still talking. "Mr. Miyagi didn't recruit me he wasn't looking for students, it took me in because I needed him I came to him not the other way around it's time we be patient, let those who need us find us," he said. Our conversation was cut short when a voice grabbed our attention. I looked at the entrance to see Dimitri standing there making me smile. "Hey, Carlos is this the right place," he asked. "guys I want you to meet somebody" I walked up to Demetri and put my arm around his shoulder. "This is Dimitri and he would like to learn karate," I said smiling. I looked at my friends to see everybody had a big smile on their face. "You have come to the right place," Mr. LaRusso said. 

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