Chapter 24

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 We ran inside the House of Mirrors and by some miracle, we found the back. When we got to the back moon snatched her hand away from me. "What are you doing," I asked frantically "I'm not taking another step until-" Her sentence was cut short by some creepy whistling and laughing. "Oh, Carlos where are you" Leo called. I looked at Moon and pulled her into a corner. She starting hyperventilating "Moon breathe in and out," I said calming. She started breathing again which made me smile. I started hearing the footsteps get closer I looked at Moon and smile. "Do you trust me"? "What". "Do, you trust me" I said looking into her eyes. She gave me a small smile and nodded I smiled and stood up from my spot? "Wait what are you doing". "I'm doing what I do best, protect the people I care about," I said smiling. My smile went away as I starting walking towards the footsteps. I walked into an open area surrounded by my reflection. "

Hey LEO can you hear me!!!" I called out. "Yeah man, I hear you loud and clear" he yelled back. "Don't worry we're coming your way just sit tight" he said. "Fine by me," I said. "What happen to your girl that was here," he asked. "She's long gone" I lied. "Aw sorry man we didn't mean to ruin your date," he said. sincere. "It's alright man," I said shrugging. "Mhmm she was a pretty little thing," he said. "Dude," I said angry "Right sorry, hey quick question," he asked. "Go ahead," I said annoyed "Did your little date know your name," he asked. I had a confused look on my face "Yeah obviously" I answered. "No, not that name your stage name, The great Lobo Demonio, the demon wolf," he said in a low voice "Yeah she does now," I said in my thoughts. "I'm guessing by the silence that was a no," he said. I knew he was trying to mess with my nerves and get inside my head. If Moon and I want to go home tonight I had to stay focused. "I hate that name" I growled.

Leo Hector and the three stooges all came into view at all different sides. They were blocking all the exits so there was no chance of escape. "I think It's about time we break the wolf's spirit," Leo said. I saw Hector pull out a pocket knife and flipped it open. I got into my fighting stance and smiled. Leo threw the first punch in which I countered with a punch to the noise. I felt someone was sneaking up on me, so I threw my elbow back and hit the person's head I ended up hitting one of the stooges. I then felt something sharp pierce my skin which made me yell in pain. I looked down to see that Hector had cut me with a knife. "You son of a big bitch, that was favorite shirt" I yelled angrily. One of the stooges tried to grab me but I dodged out of the way. I grab his head and slammed into the glass cracking it. I felt someone coming at me and turned around to find the third and final stooge about to attack. But before he could I side kicked him into the glass wall shattering it. The only two people that were left standing were Leo and Hector.

"Come on guys we don't have to do this," I said smiling awkwardly. "Of course we have to you're a snitch and snitches end up in ditches," Leo said laughing. "I don't think that's how that goes boss" Hector whispered to him. "Just shut up and attack him" Leo ordered. They both started circling me before they attack at the same time. I quickly leaned out of the way and trip Hector making him accidentally impale Leo. Leo hollered in pain like a girl. I grabbed both of their hair and bash their heads together a couple of times. After that everybody was either knocked out or too injured to get back up. "Good job everyone," I said smiling. I thought popped into my head and I smiled. You can never be too safe so I went into all of their pockets and stole all of their phones and keys.

I headed back to Moon to see how she was doing. When I got there she was balled up into a ball while holding onto her stuffed Penguin I got her. I smiled as I slowly approached her. "You know if you squeeze that penguin too hard you might squeeze the stuffing out of it," I said smirking. She looked up at me with a terrified expression on her face which instantly faded when she saw me standing there. She jumped out of her spot and engulfed me in a hug. I laughed as I hugged her back. "Oh my God I was so scared," she said. "Don't worry I'm fine, let's take you home all right". She nodded in my shoulder which brought a smile to my face.


The entire ride home was quiet not one person made a noise. I was going over what to do in my head and as soon as I pulled I knew exactly what I was going to do. Moon tiredly got off the bike and handed me my helmet. I set the helmet down and walked her to her porch. She then pulled me into a hug and I hugged her back. A part of me was saying that everything is fine and that it was just a fluke. But I would never forgive myself if I brought her into my life just to satisfy my needs. We broke apart and we staring at each other's eyes. she started leaning in to kiss me. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I don't know how but I somehow managed to say "No Moon". She backed away from me shocked and embarrassed. "I'm sorry I don't know how bad I-" "No it's not you, it's me," I said sadly. "Well what's wrong," she said folding her arms. "Don't get me wrong Moon I wanted to, I wanted to so bad" I said. "well why not" she asked softly. "because I'm bad for you" I said. She had a confused look on her face before her face changed to realization. "Your talking about earlier," she said "Yes and no I'm a bad person what they said about me, it was true I used to be a street fighter," I said ashamed

"We all have our flaws," she said. I scoffed at her words. "you don't understand people get hurt because of me," I said raising my voice. "I'm pretty sure I can handle myself," she said in a smart tone. "I can not let the people I care about get hurt, not again," I said in a shaky voice. "Listen to me I can take care of myself," she said. I laughed at her words which made her frown. "What so funny," she asked with a glare. "It's the fact you just let that come out of your mouth, You couldn't even handle Tyler what makes you think you take on gangsters". She was about to protest again but I cut her off. "He had a knife out that day he could have actually kill you and you stood there frozen," I said in a pissed off tone. She then started getting teary-eyed and I knew I hit a nerve. "You know what Fuck you, Carlos," she said before walking in and slamming her door. I sighed and walked to my bike. I picked up the helmet and drove out of her driveway.

I went to the beach to clear my head. I was also there to destroy the phones I stole. After about 15 minutes of destroying the phones, I was still angry. I gathered them all together and threw the phones and keys into the ocean so they could never be found again. I hopped back on my bike and rode into the night.

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