Chapter 23

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After we came from sensei's place Sam then came to pick Miguel. I looked at my phone to see it was 7:38. I then got my helmet and peeled from the driveway. When I finally pulled to her house she was standing on the porch. I slowly took off my helmet and smiled at her. She had on a leather jacket with some classic blue jeans and some plan old vans. I walked over to her with a weird look on my face. She rolled her eyes and had her hand on her hip before saying "What". "Nothing it's just you look awesome," I said. "I know," she said before walking to her car. "Hey I been thinking" I started. She stopped and turned to me with a confused look on her face. "If we're going, were riding my bike," I said smiling. A look of pure terror came upon her face before she started shaking her head. "NO I mean no I thought we agreed to ride in my car," she said nervously. "Why to waste the gas," I said. I could see all the gears in her head running and thinking of a way to get out of this situation. "Well you don't have an extra helmet," she said smirking triumphantly. I chuckled to myself before I tossed her my own. "You'll wear mine," I said. "But what about you," she said sadly. "Oh trust me I'll be fine" "but what about-" "Moon, trust me you'll be fine and you also have fun," I said. I then started my bike as Moon hesitantly approached me.

She slowly climbed onto the back seat. "Now listen you are going to have to hold on tight ok," I said in a serious tone. I only felt her shake her head yes as she was laying on my back. I could feel how scared she was by her trembling. "Don't worry moon you'll be safe" I said before driving out of the driveway. I felt the wind in my face while we were driving. As we were driving I started to feel something wrap around my waist. I looked down for a brief moment to find out that Moon had her arms around me. I smiled to myself before I thought "So far so good". I sped up a little bit which made Moon pinch me. I laughed at her actions as we rode to our destination. When we finally arrived at our place we couldn't help but feel excited. We finally found a parking space and Moon was the first one to get off the bike. I laughed at her antics as I shut off my bike and put the keys in my pocket. She started struggling to take off the motorcycle helmet which made me laugh harder. "Is something funny to you wolf" she growled? "Whoa, easy girl," I said putting my hands up in surrender. I walked over to her still trying to take off the helmet which made me chuckle. "Here let me help you," I said. I helped her to take off the mass to realize we were only a few meters apart from each other. I was lost in her eyes until I shook my head to get out of the trance. We walked up to the carnival and it looks like the place was electric.

 We walked up to the carnival and it looks like the place was electric

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Our spot was lit with fireworks as kids rode the different rides. And they each had different flavors of cotton candy. I looked at Moon to see that she had an expression like an aesthetic little kid. "Are you ready?" I asked smiling. She nodded and smiled at me. She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the booth. I paid for the rides all night. She pulled me onto the slingshot first. It felt like we were going to die but a least she had fun. after we went on all the rides she pulled me into the little arcade to play games and win prizes. "I never took you as the type of girl who likes to play games," I said smiling. "Well you're partly true I only play games when I know I can win," she said smugly. "Oh is that a challenge," I asked laughing. "You betcha, let's see what you can do, wolf," she said smiling. "Oh, you're on," I said before pulling her to the shooting range. We ran over with gigantic smiles on her faces before I asked one of the workers. "What's the game mister" giving him a ticket. "There are five ducks moving fast If you hit them all you win," he said before handing me the gun. I looked at the scope and took a breath. "You look like you know what you're doing," he said.

"Yeah I've had a little practice," I said before hitting all the targets in a row. Moon laughed happily before saying "Jesus where did you learn that from John Wick". I chuckled and handed her a stuffed penguin. "I learned from my dad," I said sadly. I kept the smile on my face I couldn't bring her into that world not yet at least. "That's cool you learned stuff from him" "Yeah well he was an asshole," I said angrily. I think she sent the tone in my voice and looked at me with a concerned look. "Are you ok?" she asked me nervously. I was about to answer her when an all to familiar voice bud into our conversation. "You know, you shouldn't bad mouth your father". The voice sent chills down my back as I slowly turned around to see my father's old gang. "Leo, Hector, and the three stooges," I said shielding Moon with my body. I think she got the message that these were not my friends. "You're still funny as usual but that mouth is not going to save you this time, you rat," he said. "What are you doing here and what do you want," I said with a glare. "Feisty as usual we went to the carnival see how long it's going to come down but we never expected to find Eugene's son and now it's time you pay your dues"

the worker of the shootout range then walked over to us and said "Do we have a problem here fellas, cuz I got to taser in the back and I don't mind t tasering the shit out of all of you"

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the worker of the shootout range then walked over to us and said "Do we have a problem here fellas, cuz I got to taser in the back and I don't mind t tasering the shit out of all of you". Leo and his boys then started backing away while saying "no-no problem". They smiled at me for they continue walking back around the corner. I turned around and started checking on Moon. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah I'm fine are you ok," she asked in a worried tone. "We have to get out of here now" "Ok," she said. We started making our way back to my bike. But as we were walking it as if we were being followed. I would take a few glances back but each time I look no one is there. On the look, I spotted someone ducking for cover. "Got you," I said before grabbing Moon's hand and started running. "What going on" she yelled while running. I didn't answer I just had to find somewhere to keep her safe. The only cover I could find was a house of mirrors.

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