Chapter 15

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We were at the dojo and turns out that the girl that had walked in her name was higher Aisha Robinson. To be honest it was kind of cool seeing someone else learn karate besides me and Miguel. but now Miguel was facing Aisha without zero training whatsoever while I and Miguel had months. "All right let's see what you got Ms. Robinson," sensei said. We are about to each other before the match began. "Little Diaz sure everything that you've learned," he said. "Wh- wa- I- Sensei I don't think this is a good idea," Miguel said. "You don't think what's a good idea, Mr. Diaz," Sensei Lawrence asked. "She's a girl I'm not gonna-" "And I thought you said women were equal to men," he said back. "I did say that I didn't mean it like that that she-" "all right show her that women are equal and give her everything you've got," he said. "Wait I just want to remind everyone that this is my first day" she stated. "Your enemy will not care what day it is they prey on weakness if you want to beat them you have to conquer your fears and dive face-first into the fire, now are you ready Ms. Robinson," sensei asked.

"I guess," she said. "Mr. Diaz, FIGHT" Sensei Lawrence shouted. But no one made a move we just stared at each other until Sensei said "well don't just stand there Fight" he said. Miguel got into his fighting stance. "I'm sorry," he said. He attacked and kicked her into the stomach. She flew back and hit the ground hard. Miguel automatically started trying to apologize but as he was trying Aisha got back up and ran at him. She picked them up and slammed them onto his back making us cringe. She jumped into the air and landed on them Miguel's stomach. I had a shocked expression on my face before I looked at sensei. "What the hell just happened," I said.  "The girls are natural-born cobra," sensei said pleased. We then started hearing some yelling threw the wall and I could tell it got on Sensei Lawrence's nerves. "Students I'll be right back Big Diaz you're in charge," he said before leaving.


Miguel and I were walking home. It was a peaceful night the stars are out, and of course, people were driving. some were tagging the usual in the valley. When I got home I was about to walk in the door when I stopped to see a dirt bike parked in front of the house. "What the hell," I said talking to myself. I ran inside the house and yelled "Mom there's a dirt bike in front of the house" is said looking back at it. Mom then came around the corner with a cake that had a seventeen on it. I lowered my head in embarrassment and shook my head. Miguel came into the house singing Happy birthday and Mom and Grandma both joined in. "You guys know I didn't want anything for my birthday," I said. "Well, honey to be honest technically you paid for it only just added a hundred bucks" mom said Before giving me a kiss. I didn't know whether to be pissed that she found my stash or happy that she got me the bike The rest of the night went smoothly we laughed we ate. I hadn't made sure to save a couple of pieces of cake for sensei in the morning.


We were back at school and we were bored out of our minds. We walked into the lunchroom and got her lunch trays. But as we were going to sit down there was a bunch of people staring at an argument between Sam and Kyler. "Hey, guys you know that billboard with the big ass dick on his face, I guess Sam takes after her dad" Miguel started getting irritated I could see it in his face. I walk to his side in whispered into his ear. "Are you sure you want to do this now because-" "And let's not forget about Moon" I looked up from Miguel and turned around to see Tyler in his crew walking up? "Our perfect little Moon I caught her talking to this loser and that's a secluded area," he said pointing at me. Everybody in the cafeteria turned to face me as I had a pissed expression on my face. "I wonder when she turned into the school's little whore" he finished smiling. I looked at Moon to see she looked like she was going to cry. I proceeded to lean back into Miguel's ear and say "Okay one if we do this we do this together. And two if we do this I get him" I said looking at Tyler. "Deal" Miguel growled looking at Kyler. "Hey, Tyler at least I don't have to force myself on women to actually get girls," I said setting my tray down. "And  Kyler why don't you stop being such an asshole," Miguel said setting down his tray. 

"Man I knew the jocks were idiots but I didn't know how much," I said walking over to Kyler with Miguel by my side. "Hey Kyler and Tyler you two are like the younger versions of dumb and dumber," Miguel said. Kyler grew on an angry expression as he got in Miguel's face. "Looking for another beat download rhea," Kyler said. Pushing Miguel." "Strike one," I said holding up one finger. "I'm ready for your lame ass karate this time," Kyler said pushing him again. "Strike two," I said now holding up two fingers. "It's not lame-ass karate," Miguel said before catching Kyler's incoming punch."Strike Three" I said. "It's Cobra Kai," Miguel said before I punched Kyler straight in his nose.

The fight was now on Kyler went straight for Miguel while Tyler and his goons surrounded me. "Come on guys you really don't want to do this," I said. They all started walking towards me with pissed expressions on there faces. "Okay maybe you do," I said before dodging a punch. I was dodging at first. But I started getting irritated I grab one of the goons hoodie and pulled it down before I kneed him in the face. One of them didn't try to grab me from behind and put me in a chock hold but I elbowed him in the stomach before I flip him over my shoulder and punch him in the face twice making him bleed. I looked over to see Miguel fighting his goons off with a tray. "That's a good idea". I grabbed one of the trays off the table I looked over to see a guy starting to stand again. I went into a Sprint and jumped in the air and elbowed him in the face knocking him down to the ground. I turned around and spun the trey like a disc hitting someone in the throat. I turned around to see only Tyler was left. I started running at him with his face full of terror. When I got to him I dropped kipped him in the face making a tooth fly out. I started hearing people clapping and turned to see Miguel on a table triumphantly with a big grin was on his face as people cheered for us.

 Suddenly the room air filled with the scream of Moon's voice and the clapping stopped. I turned around to see Tyler with a pocket knife in his hand approaching Moon. "This is your fault bitch, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT" he screamed at her making her flinch. I ran over to them and punched him in the back of the head making him drop the knife and I flipped Tyler onto the ground into a position where I could easily break his arm. I was breathing heavily and I could hear my heart beating with anger. My head was spinning I couldn't even hear the calls from Miguel or any of my friends. I only heard his.  "Yo- you can't do this I- I'm the quarterback of the team," he said. I laughed to myself before I leaned into his ear. "Well I hope you can throw with your left," I said backing away. He then started crying out for help to anyone and everyone but no one moved. As I was going to break his arm I heard a voice calling to me. "Wolf". I looked up to see Moon standing in front of me. "Don't, you don't have to fight anymore" she said. I looked back down at Tyler and started to get angry again but then I fell I hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Miguel shaking his head no. I brought everything out of me not to end it. I dropped his arm to the ground and stormed out the room.

I was sitting on some steps along when I felt a presence sit right next to me. I looked to my left to see a moon. "Are you ok?" I asked softly. "Am I ok," she said looking at me with an angry expression. "I'm going to take that as a no," I said. she scoffed at my words and didn't say another one until I decided to speak. "I'm sorry," I said "And what are you sorry for Wolf," she said looking at me. "I'm sorry for what I said to you it wasn't right and you didn't deserve it," I said. She was shocked at my words before she said  "I don't know what to say" she said shocked "you don't have to say anything just be careful" I said softly. she suddenly engulfed me into a hug in which I gladly returned. Our hug was cut short as we were interrupted by the principal clearing her throat. I looked up to see Miguel standing behind her. "There you are, Mr. Diaz, please come with me," she said. I sighed heavily and got up the three of us preceded to go to the office. "How did it go," Miguel asked me. "Better than I thought it would" I replied. We looked at each other and smiled before we did a fist bump. fist-bumped.

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