Chapter 1 Part 2

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Previously on The Wolf Who Slithered with Cobras

Congratulations," the man said. "You did what I always thought you could do, you won," he said taking a puff of the cigar in his hand. "Cobra Kai is back where it belongs back on top". "It can't be," sensei said softly. "Sensei who is this guy," I asked. Everyone close the book on us, but the real story has only begun," he said. "Who the fuck are you" I growled. "And I especially like this one he knows how to take a punch and not whine about it like a little girl," the guy said. the guy then stepped into the light to reveal a man that looks like he was in his late 60s

Sensei approached the older man in a trench coat while I stood there clueless. "I thought you were dead" "you ain't the only one kid, I've been away for a long time". They both walked onto the mat before anyone spoke again. The man went for a handshake but sensei smacked it away instantly. He chuckled to herself before saying "You still got a hot temper, huh, but I like that" he said confidently. "Yeah, he's not the only one though," I said before walking into the mat and standing by Sensei's side. "This kid too huh, I bet that's why your student is now the champion" "Say one more word about him and I'll rip your tongue out," I said. "You train him well just like I trained you". Before I had time to comprehend what he had just said sensei threw a punch only for it to be blocked and flipped onto the ground. "You must have forgotten I taught you everything you know," the man said laughing while putting the cigar in his mouth. "Not everything," Sensei said before kicking the cigar right out of the man's mouth. Sensei hopped up and got into a fighting position. I took this as a chance to move out of the way realizing that my arm was still in a sling. The guy clutched his mouth before laughing "not bad Mr. Lawrence not bad" he said before getting into a fighting position.

Sensei tried to lunge at him before the guy swiftly moved out of the way and made him hit his face on the trophy shelf. Since they turned around and glared at him before throwing a few punches. They both started throwing punches and they were both easily blocking them and dodging. I was amazed at how fast this guy was for his age. Sensei was able to help him right in the ribs before they went back to trading blows. While they were fighting I started to smell something burning. I turn around to see the trash bin was starting to catch fire. I was snapped out of the thought when I heard a crash from behind me. I turned around to see since I on the floor with a bunch of glass surrounding him. "Look, I didn't come here to fight I just want to talk," the man said exhausted. "About what, how you tell me how to fight dirty how you broke my second-place trophy or how you tried to kill me," sensei said pissed. My eyes widen in realization about who this guy was. The guy that Mr. Larusso was talking about. My shocked face turned into a hard glare as I balled my one good fist. "I never tried to kill you," the man said. As soon as he set those words sensei got back up and tackled him to the ground. 

They fought underground for about 10 seconds before Sensei managed to get him in a chokehold. The guy started turning red and that's when I knew I had to get Sensei off of him. I walked over to him and gently grabbed his shoulder. "Sensei I know you want this guy in pain but I don't think murder is the way to go". He looked at me with angry eyes before looking back down at the shattered mirror on the floor.  "Come on stop sensei he can't breathe, you're going to kill him, "I said. He looked at me again before letting the guy drop down to the ground. "Showing Mercy to an old man is very honorable and stupid". The guy went to attack sensei again but before he could I kicked him straight in the mouth making him spit up some blood. "And acting like a dick can get you hurt," I said glaring at the man on the ground. I looked at Sensei he nodded at me and which I returned. Before anybody could do anything the sprinklers and the dojo went off getting us all wet.


After the fight between Sensei and the man, Sensei Lawrence told me to keep what happened between the two of us. He offered me a ride but it was a clear night for walking. I was feeling overwhelmed with all this about what happened with Moon and Hawk, Sam and Miguel, Mr. LaRusso and Robby, and now Sensei Lawrence and his teacher coming back. I didn't know why, but it felt as if a war was coming. For the night being, I wanted to block out everything. When I got there I saw all of her teammates we're sitting at the tables eating nachos except for Miguel. I spotted him at another by himself on his phone. I sighed and walked over to him and took a seat. "Hey man," I said patting his back. "Hey," he said sadly. "You still sad about what went down between you and Sam," I asked. "Hey can I ask you something," he said. "Yeah man sure," I said surprised. "You've had girlfriends before how did you get over them," he said. I just chuckled to myself before saying "I am the wrong guy for you to be asking this when I lost my first girlfriend I was numb to emotion  I didn't know how to feel" I said. "Hell I don't even know how to feel now, "I said smiling. "What are you talking about," he asked me. 

"Remember that friend I would stay the night with," I said. "Yeah you never said who it was though," he said. "Well I'm telling you now, it was a moon," I said sadly. His eyes widen and his jaw dropped. "YOU SPENT THE NIGHT WITH MOO-" before he could finish I covered his mouth with my hand. "Jesus you're going to announce it to the whole restaurant," I said in a whisper yell. All of a sudden I felt something wet go across the palm of my hand. I released his mouth disgusted and looked at him. "What are you, five did you just lick my hand," I asked. He laughed for a second which made me smile. "You're so annoying," I said laughing with him and wiping my hand. When our laughter died back down he started asking me questions again. "So when we were at the dojo in Sensei said something about the closet that was Moon," he asked. "Yeah but that closet thing was totally an accident," I said laughing. He laughed again before saying. "Thanks for the laugh big bro," he said. "Anytime". After I said that I saw Aisha and Hawk make their way over to us.

"El serpiente, there you guys are," Hawk said sitting down next to me. I looked at Miguel to see he had his depressed face back up. "This is how you celebrate the first-place trophy," Aisha said while sitting down next to me. "She blocked me," he said sadly. "So what happens when you get blocked you counter punch except maybe don't hit her this time," Hawk said. I pick up a roll that was sitting in the basket in the middle of the table and threw it at him hitting him in the forehead. "Ow dude was it too soon," Hawk said. "What do you think asshole," I said "Look all I'm saying is don't give up," he said "it's no use I blew any shot I had with her," Miguel said sadly "just give Sam some time she'll come around.." "or she won't," the Hawk said. I was going for another roll when he started apologizing. "I'm saying that you're champ now you can get any chick in the valley you want, you're like Drake, enjoy it," Hawk said getting up from the table and leaving. "Moron," I said. "I'm not sure I want to be Drake," Miguel said. "don't worry you're not," Aisha said. "Yeah you're more like Khalid," I said smiling.

Sorry guys I haven't updated in a while I've been really busy but at least we are on season 2 right 😅

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