Chapter 32

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It was the day of the all valley karate tournament. Well everybody was busy talking and having a good conversation. I was still pissed because of what happened with Robbie and Miguel. And every time I will look at Hawk I would always see him making out with moon which fueled my anger. "Yo Miguel, Wolf, calm down man say something for the tournament," Hawk said. I just sent him a glare and continued. "I don't even bother they have both been super aggro ever since the party, "Aisha said. "Where's Sensei the time is going to start soon," Hawk asked. "Don't worry about it he'll be here" "I don't know about that"the little kid Burt said. "What are you talking about," Hawk asked. "Last night at the mini-mall buying a Carten milk when I heard him in the parking lot yelling," Bert said. "Why didn't you tell us this earlier," Aisha asked. "I don't know, I guess I'm just used to seeing him junk didn't seem like that big of a deal," Bert said shrugging. "well we're here and he's not so it's officially a big deal what if something happened to him," Hawk said. "like what," he asked scared. "I don't know like he drove his car off a cliff or about a gun in blues brains out," Hawk said. "he would never kill himself it's too pussy a move," I said punching the air. "We're here I mean we're going to have to do them without him" "do what without me," a voice said busting into our conversation. We all turn to see Sensei Lawrence walking over to us. "We didn't think that you were going to show up". "I may not always win, but I never back out of a fight" Sensei sid. "all right let's sign up," Miguel said. "Not yet there's one more lesson I have to teach you," he said smiling.

We are now all inside the building waiting for Sensei to give us our final lesson. "You've all learned to strike first to be aggressive not be losers, I taught you to strike hard but every ounce of your power behind everything you do, but I haven't touched you the third rule of Cobra Kai no mercy" as soon as he said those two words I could feel the pressure of the air around us get heavier. "As you get older the more you're going to learn the life isn't fair, you wake up one morning feeling great and then life throws a spinning heel kick to your balls, takes a big steaming shit in your mouth," he said. "What..the.."I said confused. "You get enough on a test you get suspended. You fall in love with a girl and some other dude comes and steals her away". I looked at Hawk and I knew Miguel was thinking of Robby and Sam. "Your car gets sent on fire just when you think things are going good everything falls apart, that's how it goes life shows no mercy so neither do we," he said. "we do whatever it takes to keep our heads above water, we do whatever it takes to keep moving forward, we do whatever it takes to win," he said. Everybody started smiling at his inspirational words. "Remember who you are, you're badass, you don't give a shit, you kick ass your Cobra Kai" he finished. "COBRA KAI!!!"Miguel shouted. I smile at him and started howling like a wolf. "YEAH!!" everyone shouted together "All right guys, let's get down there and kick this shit out of everybody," sensei said. we all shouted again before everybody started taking out their white gis. "No," Sensei said stopping all of us. "You're not wearing those," he said giving all of us a smile.

To our surprise, sensei had gotten us all new gis. Black ones with a yellow lining also with the Cobra Kai simple on our backs. We waited for the announcer to get all the other dojos out of the way. "From Reseda returning to the tournament we have-" "COBRA KAI, COBRA KAI, COBRA KAI, COBRA KAI" we are chanted while slowly jogging into the arena. "Now that's what I call an entrance, and a badass name for a dojo, "the announcer said making me smirk. "Let's hear it for Cobra Kai," he said. The arena was booming with cheers. Throughout all the cheers one voice actually struck out from the crowd. I turned and looked up to see Moon cheering for Hawk which made me grind my teeth together. I looked at Miguel to see him and Sam trying not to make eye contact. I'm going to guess it was a little hard being how she was in the front row and five feet away from Miguel. "and finally fighting unaffiliated from North hills, we have Mr. Robby Keene". My eyes whitening and snapped towards the door. My job almost dropped when I saw Robbie himself running onto the man in a white gi. I don't know why but for some reason I couldn't help but smirk. I looked at Miguel to see he had a scout on his face.  "Look I need you to know that I'm sorry for not having your back," I said to Miguel. "Don't even worry about it maybe I was or exaggerating, I was drunk and you always be my big brother," Miguel said. We smiled at each other and gave each other a quick hug. "Can you two get it together you look like girls" Hawk said smiling? "For once god dammit Hawk shut the fuck up," I said laughing. "All right folks get ready it's karate time," the announcer said smiling. The audience was cheering and ready for the fights to begin.

The first matchup was Miguel and another kid. "All right gentlemen you know the rules step on the mat," The ref said. "wait wait," Sensei said pulling Miguel aside he whispered something into his ear which made him Miguel smile.  We're all clapping and cheered for Miguel. "Face me bow, face each other bow" they both did as instructed and got into a fighting stance. I looked closely at Miguel's style to see it was the crane position. As soon as the referee said go Miguel quickly cream kicked his opponent in the face knocking him to the ground.

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