Chapter 28

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"No do it he needs his father". "How would you know what he needs," he said. I sighed and looked at him dead in the eye. "I'm going to tell you a story about my life so far," I said taking a seat, "Now I'm in third grade and one day I see these fifth graders picking on this little blond kid for not knowing how to tie his shoes, knowing me I walked up and told the guys off," I said. "Well, what happened next," sensei asked. "Oh so basically they never left him alone so one day I actually got into a fight with them" "I bet you kick their asses," Sensei said happily. "Oh no dude I was only in third grade and they were like fifth graders so I went home that day I had a black eye, bloody nose, and two broken ribs," I said smiling. "Oh, shit," sensei said shocked. "Three days later I finally learned the reason why Robby couldn't tie his own shoes, his mom was too drunk to ever teach him. So I said screw it and I taught him after that I never left Robby's side," I said smiling. "Didn't you have to like go to the next grade?" sensei asked. "Oh no for a whole entire year I like bombed School so they had no choice but to keep me back a grade you should have saw his face when he found out we were going to be in the same class?" I said smiling.

"Wow thank you for looking out for-" "Oh don't thank me yet because the story is not done," I said. "Well then sorry my bad continue" "so fast forward years me and Robby are still best friends, but as the years went on I noticed my dad started to get angrier, vicious even. One day I found out why it turns out he was a leader of a human trafficking ring and they made kids cage fight for money" I said. "What," sensei said shocked. "So one day I got into a fight with him about it and my dad got so angry he threw me into cage fights, that's how I got my name demon wolf. Now at the time I didn't think it was going to bother anybody but it did" I said sadly "Jesus wolf who did it bother" he asked sitting up. "My girlfriend," I said "whoa slow down you had a girlfriend," he said. "Allison," I said smiling at the memory. "She and Robby would always ask me about the cuts and the bruises and the split knuckles, I guess one day she got so tired of all of the lies, so she followed me there," I said smiling. "Oh no," sensei said softly "Yeah long story short she got caught, and to teach me a lesson my dad had her stabbed right in the stomach," I said in a shaky voice. It was quiet before sensei spoke again. "Did- did she um..." "No, I think you would have liked her, that girl is tough as a coconut, but I jacked my dad's car and managed to get her to a hospital. Oh man, you should have seen the way her parents looked at me" I said wiping a tear from my face.

"That day taught me what a true monster looks like. And that made me realize I didn't want anybody else going through that ever again" I said "What did you do" "I went to the cops told them everything, I even had to testify. And while my dad was looking at me with a glare, his glare made me smile" I said with a smirk. "How many years did your dad get," sensei asked. I looked at him and smiled and laughed. "That son of a bitch got life. Then I had to move with my mom, but before I did the last words I said to him was "Robby was to stay out of trouble" I said laughing. "I'm sorry that you had to go through that" sensei said sadly. " Yeah well you can't change the past all you can do is move forward, so I swear to God if you do not pick up that pen and paper I'm going to bash your head through the table," I said with a smile. "Ok ok," he said laughing. a thought for a minute before I started writing his note.

He was writing for about a minute when we heard a crash outside."What the hell was that," I said startled. we walked outside to see three guys smashing up Sensei's car and pouring gasoline. "Hey what the hell are you doing" Sensei yelled. "Consider this a message from Daniel LaRusso," one guy said before smashing a taillight with a bat. One of the guys walked over with another keg of gasoline and poured it all over my bike next to Sensei. "Hey what the fuck, that's my bike," I said pissed. One of the guys then walked in front of me with a crowbar and said "What are you going to do Nancy". Before he could say another word I ran and Superman punched him in the mouth. He then tried to punch me in the head. but before he could I ducked and swept his leg making him hit his head on the ground. I turned around to see Sensei had already taken care of the other guy. We then started cornering the guy with the bat as he trembled in fear. "Hey look man back up, both of you man I got a bat, I said back up I got to bat".

He tried to swing at us but we just sidestep out of the way. I side kicked the guy in the gut and sensei grabbed him. "All right look guys things got away from me, okay, just calm down," he said. "Where does Daniel Larusso live" sensei ordered. "This is between us it has nothing to do with him, I made all that shit up I'll take my licks like a man," he said. "Hey assholes," a voice said grabbing our attention. We looked over at one of the guys to see he had a lighter in his hand. "Burn in hell," he said bore tossing his lighter over the gasoline. I watched as our rides went up in flames. I then looked back at the guy before punching him in the nose and grabbing him. "WHERE DOES DANIEL LARUSSO LIVE!!!!" I shouted. "Encino hills, Escalon drive," he said. I then headbutted him and punched him in the face twice knocking him out. I watched as a since they grabbed it one of the guy's bikes and start it. "I'm coming too," I said pissed "No stay here,"  he said. "screw that they just set my bike on fire," I said hopping on the guy's motorcycle. Sensei and I both peeled out of the driveway towards Daniel Larusso's home.

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