Chapter 33

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The second match that we all saw was Robbie versus some guy in a black and white gi. I'm not going to eat a lot I look like Robbie could definitely hold his own with the training that he got with Mr. Larusso. At the end of the fight, he won the match. The third fight was with Aisha. Even for her opponent's size, her power was no match for him. The guy ended up on the ground and Aisha finished him off with a devastating punch to the face. The fourth fight was Hawk. They were trading blow for blow and both blocking until Hawk's opponent got the other hand and kicked him in the arm knocking him back a few feet. For a second it looks like Hawk slowed downtime before he delivered a flying elbow. The announcer gave him the victory which made him yell out and undo his gi revealing his back tattoo. He even started moving his shoulders to make it look like the hawk was flapping wings itself.

After Hawk, it was me. I was going up against some guy from Topanga karate dojo. When the guy said go my opponent started jumping all around me. "What.....the...hell," I said. After he was finally done flipping all around me he tried to give me a kick to my stomach. But I just sidestepped out of the way. I grabbed this leg and tripped on making him fall to the ground. After that, I gave him a punch to the nose making it bleed. I heard the referee give me the point and I stood up and bowed. "That was easier than I thought"I sent the sensei. "Yes you did great but don't get too cocky we still got a lot more matches to go through," sensei told me. "what, me, cocky, never," I said. After Bert went and inevitably lost it was time for the quarterfinals. I was up next to my surprise. With the guy in a red uniform.

"Face me bow face each other bow". As soon as the rest said go my opponent tried to hit me with a kick to my face. I managed to dodge at the last minute it was really close. He was fast way faster than anything I've ever seen. I knew he was fast but I'm stronger. he tried to hit me with a flying elbow but I grabbed his arm and whipped him around which almost made him fall out of the ring. While he was distracted on one foot and trying not to fall out of the ring. I performed a spinning heel kick right to his face. he hit the ground with a hard thud and a red mark formed on the side of his face. I felt the referee raise my arm in the air and I washed them as they moved my name to the semifinals. After me, it was Robby's turn I was actually really really surprised when he won his fight with ease. And for split second after his match, I saw him glare Miguel blaring at each other. After Robby, it was Aisha's turn going up against Xander from Topanga. They're both had two points.and for a second it looked like Aisha was going to get the better of them but he swept her leg making her fall and used his other foot to bring his leg down and hit her stomach winning him the match. 

"Eat shit asshole," she said to Xander before walking off the mat. we tried to comfort her and let her know it was alright but she didn't listen. She just grabbed her stuff and left. I sighed and looked at Sam. I was hesitant at first but I walked over to her anyway. "Hey Sam I need a favor," I said giving her a small smile. "What are you doing over here shouldn't you be with the rest of your backstabbing snakes," LaRusso said. "Okay one before the dojo will always be friends and family and two right now one of my friends is hurting I can't leave but she can," I said looking at Sam. "No, no Sam I don't want you doing anything with Cobra Kai," LaRusso said. "This isn't for Cobra Kai this is for Aisha now Mr. LaRusso I know how you feel about my dojo but this is for my friend and you've known my friend for a very very long time so get the stick from out of your ass cuz it's not a good look on you," I said. I gave Sam a nod showing her which way Aisha went before getting back in place in line. "What did you say to him," sensei asked. "I told him to get the stick out of his ass," I said smiling. "Right on," sensei said giving me a fist bump.

When the quarter-finals were finally over there were six people left standing. From Cobra Kai it was Miguel Hawk and me. From Topanga, it was to Xander and Xavier the twins. And last but not least was unaffiliated, Robby Keene. I know I was supposed to be angry and upset at him but for some reason, I couldn't feel anything except pride. "We have seen some great fighting today haven't we," the announcer asked the people. Feel like my eardrums were about the verse from all the cheers and clapping from the people in the stands. "But there can be only one true winner and one of them a standing right here," he said. I was now looking at my comrades and my friend because in case we had to fight each other I had to see them as my enemy. "Standing on this stage right now will it be Miguel Diaz from Cobra Kia karate, will it be Carlos Diaz AKA Wolf from Cobra Kai karate, will it be Hawk". The announcer paused unsure what to say next when reading the card. "Well I guess it's just hawk, from Cobra Kai karate," he said. Miguel and I both smiled when a hawk took a bow. 

"Will it be Robby Keene on unaffiliated and last but not least fighting out of Topanga karate Xander and Xavier Stone". When he called their names the twins both came out of the sections doing flips and then taking the microphone away from the announcer. "We just wanted to say even though we love to fight, we all need to fight together against hatred I look around the arena I pray for every race religion, and gender that we can all live together in peace please join me in a moment of silence," they said closing their eyes. Everybody but bowed their heads except for me and sensei. He leaned into the ears of Miguel and I and said. "Kick those two pansy bitches in the face". Miguel and I both smiled at this. "Yes sensei," we said in Union. as the moment of silence started to go on for too long the announcer grabbed his my back and got it started. "First up stone versus Diaz" "which one"I called. "Oh yeah I forgot about that Miguel Diaz versus Xander Stone," he said. The rest of us cleared the mass the only two people that were on it were Miguel and Xander. I gave him a fistbump before I left the mat.

the rest said go and then they both started each attacking each other. Each one throwing blow after blow each time getting blocked by one another. Through the midst of all the fighting, I kept hearing screams from the stands. "Yeah get him, get him, punch him the face. kick him". "HEY," I yelled annoyed "Sit down now, " I said sending her a glare. she hushed up and sat down after that which made me smile. I turn my attention back to the match. Miguel started sending Xander a fury of different kicks. Xander tried to punch Miguel but he blocked and delivered a 360 kick to zander's head winning him the point. We are cheered and clapped for my brother who had a smile on his face. "That's 2-1 Diaz". They didn't even bother to bow they both got up and got into fighting positions. "Offense just stays on offense" sensei called out. When the man started Miguel gave Xander a bunch of swings and punches pushing him back into a corner. It almost looked like Miguel was going to get the point until Xander came back with a move of his own which made Miguel back up. Xander went straight on to offense but in the end, it didn't matter Xander went to deliver his final punch but before you could Miguel gave him a kick to his stomach winning him the match. They both shook hands and bowed to each other before going back to their teams.

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