Chapter 22

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After school, Miguel and I headed to the dojo to get some training. We got changed into our white gi's before we started stretching with Aisha and hawk. Me, hawk, and Aisha are all having a conversation but I noticed how Miguel quit. I looked at him with a confused look until I asked "something on your mind bud" I said with a concerned look. "I have no idea where I'm supposed to take Sam for this date," he said Frantically. "I need something romantic but not too romantic," he said. Aisha wrote her eyes and annoyance while Hawk said "you can take her to get tattoos". "What" Miguel and I said simultaneously. Hawk then stood up and undid his gi. He turned around to reveal a giant hawk on his back with a blue Mohawk the same as his.

"Oh, shit," Miguel said

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"Oh, shit," Miguel said. "That is badass," Aisha said. "I know right 14 hours in the chair," he said before flexing his abs in the mirror. "Congratulations bro," I said. "Wait do your parents know about that" Aisha asked. "Oh, they have no idea I'm definitely going to have to wear a t-shirt until college probably longer, please don't tell them," he said while slowly putting back on his gi. "Any other suggestions," Miguel said turning towards Aisha. "don't look at me man Sam used to be friends remember," Aisha said. "I know but I need your help," Miguel said. "Fine I know she likes chocolate and astronomy" she replied. "I can work with that," Miguel said smiling. "of course you can buddy," I said patting his back. It was quiet for about a minute before we heard Sensei yell. Miguel and I both hopped up to our spots and went into his room to see what was going on. "No you don't ban me I'LL BAN YOU," he said before doing his signature slamming his phone down.

"Sensei what the hell man," I said raising my arms. "What my brother meant to say was Sensei what's going on," Miguel said. "There's a lifetime ban on a Cobra Kai from entering the tournament," Sensei said angrily. "What" I exclaimed. "How is that fair" Miguel asked. "It's not, but there's nothing I can do about it," sensei said taking a seat in his chair. "That sounds like accepting defeat," I said. "Yeah, what happened to that energy that you had earlier that there is no such thing as defeat that there is no no" Miguel said. "That was girl advice okay we're talking about real-life there are rules," he said back. "Since when do you care about the rules," Miguel said. "Yeah we don't take no for an answer you said that you got to fight this" I added. Sensei took a moment to think before saying "You know what you're right I'm going to go down there". "yeah" I said excitedly. "And I'm going to beat their asses," he said. "No no no no what no that's not what I meant," I said. "Look we're saying that maybe there's a more delicate approach sensei," Miguel said "The way the fist is not delicate, cobras are not delicate," he said annoyed. "Yeah yeah you're right forget delicate, we're just saying maybe there's a smarter way to fight back," Miguel said. He backed up and nodded his head.


After karate practice Magellan I went home and got dressed for our dates. But before we can leave we have to check in with Sensei. We knocked on his door twice before we finally heard that okay. We open the door to find sensei in a suit and tie with his hair nicely done. "You nervous about your meeting," Miguel asked. "I'm not nervous I'm pissed off" "Okay but you have to be nice to these people so if you get pissed off what are you going to do" "I don't know I usually just punch the guy" "well you can't do that so if you get angry how about you bawl your hand into a fist" "like holding it in" "yeah sure why not" he then walked around us and grabbed a briefcase off his chair. "Oh, nice briefcase what's in it," Miguel asked. Sensei then spun it around and opened it to reveal it was tattered and destroyed on the inside. "Nothing's in it I found it in a dumpster," he said smiling. "nice touch," I said. "I know right," he said happily. "What about you two you two numbers for your dates," he asked. " wait how did you know I had a date," I asked confused. "Well you've been smiling to yourself like a giddy school girl, and also Miguel texted it to me," he said smiling. I shook my head and smiled "well I'm not nervous about my date" I said. "Well, what about you Miguel" "uh yeah...a little...A lot" Miguel said awkwardly. "Well don't there's nothing to be nervous about just calm down and be cool when the times right just make your move," he said.

"Move? What move, I don't have a move. What's my move" Miguel said Frantic. "Oh come on man you got to kiss the girl," he said. "I know, and I want to but technically I don't have to right"? "No that's true you can learn how to braid her hair talk about all the other guys who have the balls to kiss her on the first date," sensei said. "Shit" Miguel exclaimed. "You're a Cobra Kai, strike first, strike hard, it's not just for karate it's for everything all right, were you taking this chick anyway," sensei asked. "The observatory, little picnic on the lawn chocolate tasting three ways, the sky is clear we'll look at the stars," Miguel said confidently. "The only thing that made sense to me was threeway," sensei said. sensei said. I chuckled to myself with which earned a couple of glances my way. I coughed before saying "continue". "It's will be fun," Miguel said smiling. "look if you want to impress this chick you got to take her where I used to take all my face back in the day" "and where is that" "the arcade you know the one with the big sign" "are you talking about the family fun center," I asked. He looked at me with wild eyes while nodding his head. "Yeah man, I remember I brought this one chick-" "Nope we're not doing this Miguel we're leaving. I then grabbed him by the color and we walked out of our apartment.

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