Chapter 20

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We were packing up our things practice was over and I couldn't get the interaction between Sensei and Eli out of my head. Miguel and I were walking towards the back to talk to him about his behavior. sensei was taking a beer out of his mini-fridge when Miguel knocked on the door frame "go away no more lessons today" he said not realizing it was us. "do you have to be so hard on them" Miguel said before we walked in. "Oh come on little Diaz they're a bunch of losers," he said. "you went too far," I said folding my arms. "Yeah well some of those losers are our friends," Miguel said raising his voice. "Yeah that tracks," he said. "dude," I said. "And they're your students you wanted a full dojo you got one," Miguel said. "Not full like that," he said. "Yeah I get it all right they're losers maybe we're losers too," Miguel said. "are you kidding me are you two going to cry now too" "no but I can gouge your eye out" I stated happily. They just looked at me with a nervous look before they continued their conversation. "It's just you don't know what it's like to be us we'll see you tomorrow," Miguel said. before Miguel and I walked out the dojo leaving sensei to think


We are now back at the dojo and there were a lot fewer kids now but still enough to make a full room. Yes, there are more kids but it still feels like there was something missing. Sensei Lawrence came out in his outfit and I was hoping he didn't say anything outrageous "some more people quit"I said as he walks past. "Bunch of pussies" Aisha said. I'm not going to lie I was terrified of Aisha I would hate to see her when she gets angry. "No, it's my fault," sensei said softly. Everybody in the room at that moment had a confused look on their face. "Since you joined Cobra Kai I have been hard on you," sensei said out loud for everybody to hear. "I've called you names, I humiliated you some of you I have hit, and for that, I don't apologize," he said his words shocking all of us. "Cobra Kai is about strength if you're not strong on the inside you can't be strong on the outside," he said. I knew his words were slowly hitting home to everybody in the room as he spoke.

"Right now you're all weak and I know that, because I was you I used to have no friends I used to be the weird kid," he said pointing out a kid for an example. "Not that weird I hooked up with babes and all," "and there it is, "I said in my head. "But the point is I wasn't always the badass Sensei I am today". "Just like a cobra I had to shred my loser skin to awaken my true power, and you guys will too," he said. When it was quiet we heard the doorbell jingle. And in camera guy with a blue hawk on his head. "Welcome to Cobra Kai," he said happily. I was shocked, to say the least, but as I look closer I realized it was actually Eli. "Eli what happened, "Miguel asked confused. A smile made its way to his face before he said "I'm flipping the script".

Sensei then realized who it was and started walking over to him. "Wait are you the kid with the lip," he said shocked. "Nice cut bro," I said patting his back. "You see that doesn't matter if you're a loser or a nerd or a freak, all that matters is that you become badass" sensei said happily. I smirk crept on hawk's face as he got in line and stood next to me. "You know what I think I got a new name for you two" sensei said pointing to me and Eli. "Wait why me" "well I got tired of calling you Big Diaz and Miguel little Diaz" "okay what are the names" "Hawk," he said looking at Eli making him smile. "And Wolf". As soon as he said that name I got a confused look on my face. "How did you come up with that name"I asked confused. "Well Carlos your phone was going off in your bag so I took it out to shut it off. But as I was going to shut it off I noticed a text message that read Moon" I dropped my head to the ground before I looked back at him with a smile "so you went through my text messages," I said snarkily. "No not all of them just the one where she was apologizing for what happened in the closet at her house, "Sensei said looking at me with a smile. My face went pale as I was trying to come up with a good excuse.

"I was...Um...damn, "I said while snapping my fingers trying to come up with a good lie. "It's all right kid trust me I have some stories that would knock the socks off of you boys," he said. He then looked at hawk with an intense face before he said "fear does not exist in this dojo, does it" "No sensei" Hawk said. "Pain does not exist in this dojo does it, wolf, "Sensei asked looking at me. "No sensei," I said with a smile. He smiled back at me before his serious face returned and he looked at Miguel. "Defeat does not exist in this dojo does it," "no sensei" Miguel said. Sensei turned away from us and looked to the front before he spoke again. "Class, are you ready to learn the ways of the fist," he asked "YES SENSEI" everybody in the room shouted simultaneously which brought a smile to sensei's face.

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