Chapter 1

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Moving from the place you call home will always be tuff no matter what you do. But what can you do? Nothing except hope that's it's going to be better. I looked out the window to see a sign that said San Fernando Valley. The car ride was quiet for the most part nanna and Miguel were still sleep while mom was driving. "Mom can we pizza for dinner," I asked giving her my biggest smile. She laughed at my comment and looked at me threw the review mirror. "Um how bout no we've had it for two days now," she said turning her focus back on the road. I just gave my sad face. she looked back again and smiled "Oh don't give me that face," she said. "plus I need you to wake your brother and nanna for me we are almost there," she said. As soon as she said that a big grin came on my face. I then reached into the back and pulled out my werewolf mask from Halloween. I put on the mask and started touching his noise until he started waking up. When his eyes opened I tried to mimic a monster roar and scared him to wear his head was going to explode. "Maldito idiota estúpido," Miguel said glaring. (Freaking Stupid Jerk) "I'm sorry little brother had to," I said pulling him into a hug.

We broke from the hug and I remembered I still have to wake nanna. I smiled at the thought of this and turned to Miguel and said "Hey help me-" "No I'm mad at you" he said pouting. "Come on don't be a baby it was a harmless prank," I said. "Well it was not funny" "I wouldn't say that," Mom said. I laughed at her comment and said "Come on you get to scare nanna". He then looked at me with stars in his eyes. He then went over to scare her with the mask when nanna smacked him in the head and said. "Puede que sea Viejo, pero me romperé el pie en Su Culo, mustache." (I may be old but I will break my foot off in your ass boys.) "Yes ma'am," we both said. "Sorry, maybe next time" I whispered to him. We then pulled into an old run-down apartment complex. Nanna and mom had their own room while I and Miguel shared a room. But it was not that bad. After we bring everything in the house. Mom told me and Miguel to ask the maintenance man about the water.

Went outside to find him when we closed the door there was a guy that looked like he was in his early 50s and had blonde hair with a blonde scruffy beard. I could smell the beer off his clothes when we approached him. "Hey I'm Miguel and this is my brother Carlos our family just moved into 109," he said smiling "Great more immigrants," he said. Miguel and I looked at each other confused before continuing. "Were from riverside" I said to the man. "I was just wondering were you having trouble with your water pressure because ours is, "I said. Just as he finished that statement he started dumping his trash into the wrong bin. "Bottles going in the blue bin" Miguel said trying to stop him. "Listen kids I've lived in this shit hole for over ten years. The pipes don't work, fountains full of piss, and the only good thing around here is I don't have to talk to anyone so nice knowing you" he said walking away. and with that, he hopped into his car and drove away blasting music.


I was on my way to work when I was stopped by a red light. I looked out my window to see another LaRusso Auto group. Which only made me despise the guy more. "You've got to be kidding me, another one," I said with anger. I've been calm down put on my shades and cut up the music before taking a left. I pulled up right next to a hot chick that looks like she was ready for a run. I thought I'd take my chances with her the worst she can say is no. "Hey," I said with a smile. But the only response I got back with her running away but not before calling me a creep. "Your loss," I thought. By the time I got to my first destination, I was already tired and ready to go back home. But I just got up went to the back of my car and got my tools for the day. The first house I had to clean out the gutters for a rich person. as I was cleaning them and while I put out a dead rat that was up there. "Disgusting," I said to myself. Then out of nowhere the owners, kids came outside blasting me with water guns making me almost fall.

After that house, I went on to the next to fix the electricity. Well, I was trying to fix it I almost electrocuted myself. the next house was fairly easy all I had to do was set up a TV that shouldn't be too hard. I had all the measurements in all the screws ready. When I was done measuring I started putting it together. When I had finished I was wiping the TV down to make it look clean when the owner stepped in. "Whoa whoa whoa what the hell is this," she said pissed. "Don't worry it's going to be leveled are just lining it up" I said. "you put it on the wrong wall, I said the wall across from the door" she said. I gave her a confused looked as I look between the two walls. "This is the wall across from the door," I said while giving her a confused look. "Not that door you idiots this one," she said pointing to the door next to the TV. I sighed and pinched the bridges of my nose. "Just move the TV I have company coming over" "wait to hold on I'm going to have to fill the holes re-measure match the paint it's going to take me an hour just to get to the hardware store," I said "that's not my problem I'm not the idiot who put the TV on the wrong wall" "why can't it go on this wall, "I said yelling.

She gave me a warning look which made me calm down instantly. "Look I'll come back tomorrow and fix everything just like you want me to do I just can't do it right now," I said. "That's just great it's not bad enough that you took a shit in my powder room," she said. "You told me to go in there," I said. "That's because I didn't know you were going to take a shit" she snapped at me. "Okay okay we'll figure this alright just stop bitching at me," I said. "What did you just call me," she said angrily.


I was up on top of the mountains looking down at the city. While I was on the phone trying to explain to my boss how the situation really went.

"No no no I didn't call her a bitch I said she was bitching at me" "well sorry Johnny we're going to have to let you go" "What you're firing me cuz that at bitch" he said. "Look I'm sorry but-" "I hate this damn job any way you better give me what you owe me Mike, Mike Mike". I brought the phone away from my face to realize he had hung up on me. "Shit," I said pinching the bridges of my nose.

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