Chapter 12

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I was in my room seething with the anger I haven't slept because I knew if I did my dreams would fucking haunt me I remember mom's face when she saw Sensei holding Miguel. Flashback  It took three knocks for mom to open the door. When she did she was horrified by what she saw. My brother was beaten to a pulp and the man who was responsible. She let him set him on the couch.  Right after she started screaming at him. I remember her words cleaning cut like a blade. "I don't want you to ever see you ever near my sons again," she said with anger. "Mom you can't do that," I said. "No she's right I should have never got you two involved" sensei said. "So what now we just give up no pain no gain," I said. "I would rather have you go through no pain any day," she said. Sensei started walking away from us but not before Miguel said cobra kai never dies. Flashback end. I felt my phone vibrate and I checked to see who it was.

MOON: I heard about your brother is he okay.

He's fine


But before she could reply back I shut off the phone. I walked outside my room and into the kitchen. I poured me a glass of water when I open the freezer but there was no ice. "Miguel do you have all the ice," I asked annoyed. "Yeah, you need some," he asked. "No nevermind," I said closing the fridge. "Miguel why don't you tell me who did this I can call the school that can protect you," mom asked him. "That'll only make things worse Mom," I said. "Worse than this look at your brother," she said pointing to him. "I am looking at my brother and like I before it can be worse," I said. "Yes, Mom if I have more lessons than maybe-" "No" cutting him off. "it's not since I lost it somehow I just wasn't ready," Miguel said. "No more karate," she said waving her arm in the air. "mom you won't even in hearing him out" "Carmen Que Estas Haciendo Los chicos encontraron Algo que les gusta hacer" (Carmen what are you doing, the boys found something that they like to do) grandma said backing us up.  "Look at him," mom said. Estoy Buscando que necesitan más práctica (I am looking they need more practice) she said back. Mantén tus Manos en alto, protege tu Cabeza (Keep your hands up to protect your head) Grandma said making a fist above her head. Mamá, Este hombre es una mala influencia (Mom this man is a bad influence) mom said. "No it's not you don't even know him," Miguel said. "I know he's a loser," mom said. "Then what are we, because that's who we are in school," I said. "And he is not a loser if you would know how he's a great man," Miguel said sitting up.


Miguel and I were waiting outside of sensei's door hoping we could talk him into training this again. It was really quiet so the whole time we barely said a word to each other until we heard a door open Sensei Lawrence. Miguel and I hopped right to our feet and started walking and the same path as our teacher."Hey Sensei our mom said we can't train with you anymore but I have this great idea that maybe if we go to the dojo before-" "You don't get it kid there is no dojo anymore I'm closing it up it's over, I'm closing it up" sensei said cutting off my brother. "What about us we need you," I said. "Sorry guys I got to go," he said before walking to his car and driving away.


We were back at school and it was the morning passing period. I was busy and the hall as usual. I was walking with Miguel in the hallway and when I spotted Sam talking with Kyler. When I saw him I saw red and I started hyperventilating with anger.  I broke into a full run at Kyler. he had seen me but it was already too late I had grabbed the back of his neck and slammed his face into a locker. "Show me show me what you did to him, do it on me" I growled "Oh my God Carlos let him go" sam shriek. I punched him in the ribs and threw him onto the ground. he then started scooting away with one hand in the air begging for me to stop "hey man I don't know what's going on but I don't know what you're talking about" Kyler said. His words enraged me even more. I was about to throw another punch to his jaw when I felt Miguel, Dimitri, and  Eli all holding me back. I was doing my best to get out of there grasp and was almost out when I felt another hand on my chest. I looked down to see Moon standing there with pleading eyes. "Don't do this not right now" she said with pleading eyes. I slowly started to calm down before any teachers came. "Please don't do this," she said looking into my eyes.

I looked around the hallway to see that everybody had confused because they didn't know what was going on or terrified because they thought they were next. I slowly calmed down I worked at Sam who was helping Kyler. She looked at me work your hate before saying "What the hell is wrong with you". I ignored her and looked at Kyler. "I don't know when and I don't know how but I'm going to make you suffer. It may happen tomorrow or may happen next year. Just know that it will happen," I said. I looked at Sam before saying "I advise you to find a new boyfriend before it's too late"  I was getting pulled away by Moon. she dragged me all the way down to a secluded area where we can talk and no one can hear us. She then let me go and put her arms on her hips while frowning at me. "What, "I asked in an annoyed tone. "you know what you've been ignoring my texts," she said with an angry expression. "No I haven't," I said. She then got angry and stomped on my foot as hard as she could. "Ah....god... dammit moon," I said in pain. while I was hopping on one foot she went into my pocket and took out my phone. She then showed me my screen to reveal I had 17 unanswered texts.

"Okay maybe I have if you missed text," I said. She started getting ready to stop on another foot again. "Ok wait ok I'm sorry," I said. She then stopped which made me smile gratefully. "Sheesh, I didn't know you cared," I said. She then started blushing hard before she stomped on my other foot. "Ow son of a-" "For the record, I don't care. she said cutting me off" "Well you didn't have to stomp on my freaking feet," I said angrily. "And why are you gunning for Sam's boyfriend." Her words made me snap my head right at her with an intense stare. "Because he keeps coming after my brother and my friends" I growled. "Well can't you guys talk it out or something," she said. I scoffed at her words. "no way in hell, when I find him and I get my hands on him I'm going to break his arms," I said pissed. "You can't do that," she said with pleading  "And why not, he can beat on my little brother and my friends if he wants to a bloody pulp but I can't do the same," I said getting pissed. "Eye for an eye-" "Yeah yeah that bullshit," I said stepping away from her. "Look I would do the same thing if I had a little brother but-" "Right you don't have a little brother you have no idea how it feels. I have night terrors of him beaten in front of me and I cant do a Damn thing" I said.  "I'm sorry but-" "No you don't seem to get it, if I have to fight, break bones, even kill to protect the people I care about, I will," I said before walking away. But little didI know that Tyler was watching the whole thing.

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