Chapter 27

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Miguel hitched a ride with Sensei while I rode on my dirt bike. When we pulled up it was late and we were surprised to see Mom walking towards us. "Hey guys, how is training," she asked us. "It was good your sons are doing great," sensei said. "Miggy, Los, go get cleaned up Yaya's making Seco de Carne" mom said smiling. We both nodded and said our goodbyes to Sensei before walking into the apartment. "Yaya it smells wonderful," I said before kissing her on the cheek. Miguel and I set up all the plates and cups forks and knives when we heard Sensei's voice in our apartment. We smiled and took our seats. Yaya then came over with the food you said it on the table. Everybody joined hands together as Yaya said grace. why she was saying grace I got this weird feeling in the back of my head. I opened my eyes for a split second to see Sensei didn't have his eyes closed. I shot at him I'm menacing glare before he shut his eyes. When she was finished we all said amen as did sensei. We were started digging into our food while mom decided to strike up a conversation. "So Miguel and Carlos told me about the tournament, I hope they don't get hurt," she said. "Oh I'm definitely going to get hurt now, "I said laughing. "Plus Mom I told you there are referees we can't get hurt," Miguel said. "At least not permanently" sensei added. I looked at him with a shocked expression. "Dude," I said. "They'll be fine," he said.

"So have you always lived in Reseda," mom asked? "No I grew up in Encino," sensei said. "Really, really nice houses there," mom said. "Yeah well just because you live in a nice house, doesn't mean nice things are going on inside," he said. "Mmm I really like these bananas," sensei said happily. "They're called plantains," I said. "Oh, in English we call them bananas," he said. Everybody laughed at his comment while he looked around confused. "What's so funny," he said smiling. Suddenly Miguel's phone started ringing drawing everybody's attention to him. "Oh God sorry," he said. "Answer it mojo, it's fine, Just don't take too long your food's going to get cold ok," she said. "ok," Miguel said happily before getting up from the table. "Los" I heard my mother call out. "Yes ma'am," I said not looking t her. "Didn't you have a little girlfriend that you were talking to on the phone," she said. "You mean Moon," I said before taking a bite out of my food. "Yeah, she was nice, I liked her, whatever happened to her," my mom asked. "Things didn't pan out," I said faking a smile.

"I'm sorry Mijo better luck next time," she said. "I'm so glad Miguel and Carlos are finally making some nice friends, it's been difficult for them especially Miguel, we've had to move around a lot," mom said. "Why are you guys originally from," sensei asked. "Ecuador," I said. "Why did you guys leave," he asked. Porque Ella se enamoró de un idiota (Because she fell in love with a shithead) Grandma said. I accidentally laughed coughing up my water. "Mama," she said looking at her. "I got married at 18 after I got pregnant with Carlos I found out about my husband's job". I looked down at my plate slowly picking at the food. "And then I got married again way too quick and got pregnant with Miguel, and let's just say he was a very bad man" my mom finished. "We had to get very far away from him," I said. "I'm sorry to hear that," sensei said to me. "Don't be besides we are over it" mom said smiling at me. I gave her a small smile and nodded. "You can't let the mistakes of the past determine your future," she said. Sensei thought long and hard before continuing his food.


I was at the theaters with Miguel, Aisha, and hawk. I saw Hawk throwing milk duds at some girls which made me have weird deja vu. I looked at Miguel to see he had an irritated look. "Hey what's wrong," I asked. "I can't stop thinking about what Sensei told us about Sam's dad," he said. "So sensei and Sam's dad has some Sam beef what's that have to do with you, "Aisha said startling me. "Do I have to spell it out for you?" Miguel said annoyed. "Sam's dad hates Cobra Kai I'm part of Cobra Kai so by the transit of property Sam's dad is going to hate me," he said. "Jesus Christ, you're such a nerd," Hawk said. "Hawk bud, watch your mouth I will smack that Mohawk right off your freaking head," I said in a threatening tone. "I'm telling you it's not just on my mind it's on Sam's too, she was acting weird when her dad walked by," Miguel said. "Listen, I've known Mr. Larusso since third grade, he's a really nice guy you just have to talk to him," Aisha said. "Have you ever been invited yet, she's probably too afraid to introduce me" he said. "Dude, just go over there, it's an alpha move" hawk said. "All right don't listen to the dumbass throwing milk dudes, why don't you guys just actually have a normal conversation none of that awkward teenage bull crap that you two do all time," I said. Hawk then threw another milk dud accidentally hitting a guy in another row. The guy then got up angry and looked at the back rows and said "Who the hell did that". Hawk then turn straight forward and nervously hid his milk dud box.


I was at home putting up some extra groceries in the freezer. when I got to the back of the freezer I noticed there were two pieces of cake for my birthday I had forgotten to give sensei. After I put the dishes away I walked over to his apartment with the two pieces of cake. I knocked a couple of times before he told me to come on in. "Hey, wolf what's up," he said. "Hey, Sensei I was wondering if you were down to eat some maybe stale birthday cake," I said smiling. "Yes, paper plates are in the cabinet," he said. I got a couple of plates along with some forks and gave him a slice while I sat down in front of him. As I was eating the very cold piece of cake I noticed he was writing a letter. "Who's the letter for," I asked taking a bite of my cake. "It's for my son," he said before handing me a picture. I took the picture away from him and looked at it it's some small blonde boy posing like he was on a soccer team. I looked closely at the picture and recognized the face which made me choke on my cake. "Jesus kid are you good," he asked. "This is your son," I said standing up. "Yeah," sensei said "Robby Keene," I said in a demanding tone "Wait you know Robby" before he could say another word I got up and punched Sensei right in the face. Right after I put my hands up and surrendered. "Ow, what the-" "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry it was a promise I made a promise a long time ago," I said squinting my eyes shut. "You promise to punch me in the face," He said angrily "No I promised to punch Robby Keene's father you just happened to be his dad," I said. "How do you know him anyway," Sensei asked annoyed. "He used to be one of my best friends when I lived with my dad". "What," sensei said sitting down. "What are you doing anyway," I asked. "Well I was writing a letter trying to apologize but now I don't think I should being how he sent a Hitman after me," sensei said angrily.

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