81 - Watson & Parrish, Adler & Holmes

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A/N - After another re-evaluation of my life and a writing course, I have the discovered the concept of 'the book before the book'.

I mentally cannot continue with my original piece until this one is finished because my mind is constantly on ISWS SCENARIOS. So good news, this book will be finished this year and not in five years 😂

It makes me so happy that I know what I am doing with my life after that course 😄✊


The London streets were ridiculously full, even for midday, but cars slowly and occassionally quickly motored on down the narrow roads. Elizabeth shuddered as she waited under the grey cover that normally covered the sky. Honestly, what did one have to do for a little bit of sun?

Finally, a London taxi cab pulled up.

John exited the cab, thanking the driver briefly before approaching Elizabeth, who was waiting on the pavement, in front of the vast hospital. She gave a little wave when she saw him, a smile almost lighting her face but failing to do so properly as the serious matter weighed heavily in her mind.

"Everything alright? You pulled a Sherlock."

"Pulled a Sherlock in what sense?"

"Your text."

Elizabeth tilted her head, brow folding as she tried to understand, "No. Nope. Not getting it."

John sighed, pulling out his mobile to read the text out to her, "'Need help. Come to Bart's now if convenient, if inconvenient come anyway'. You sound just like him - vague and demanding. In fact, I almost thought it was Sherlock and that he was just using your phone."


John laughed and shook his head. He guessed there was no point other than the observation itself. How bizarre, he thought, how some partners take on certain traits or mannerisms of their significant others. How oddly sweet as well. His laugh died down into a fond smile.

"So...uh, what did you need me for? Managed to get out of the clinic by claiming my aunt was sick."

"Ooo, John, you little liar." She teased, "Uh, back to the point though, being...a case led my moi," She smiled, pointing at herself, "Requested by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named."

"Wait...you mean to say Voldemort has asked you to take a case?"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and grinned, "He does bare a striking resemblance to him, no?"

The two chuckled like naughty schoolchildren at shaming the elder Holmes. This didn’t quash Elizabeth's own worry though, but it was nice to forget and just laugh when there had been so much hardship lately. At thinking this, the bright smile dissipated.

"Rita's gone, John."


"I can't work out if she left herself or if she was taken and I need your help to find her."

"Well, what about Sherlock? We both know he - "

"He's busy. He's on another case. That's why I need your help."

John's brow furrowed, sensing some tension as he watched her stare at the moving traffic, "Did something happen between you two?"

"He doesn't like Rita." Elizabeth thought it was a well-thought-out lie but didn't realise it was actually true, "Doesn't trust her. A bit like how Mycroft doesn't trust me."

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