90 - On With The Heist

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A/N - Happy Easter, my loves! I hope you have been treated with chocolate but don't forget the religious importance of today if you believe in it ^-^

New chap :)

It took me a lil longer to write because I'm now transitioning out of episode-led chapters again and I was finishing off my last week of work before the holidays!

Hope you is all well :D

Warnings - minor swearing/some violence


Elizabeth finally got back to London, to the flat on Baker Street, around eleven 'o'clock at night. The urban streets were still and quiet, few people walked the streets and some cars moved sluggishly down the roads. She thanked the cab driver, paid him, then proceeded to haul her small suitcase to the door of 221B.

Removing her necklace (that she always wore since Sherlock had gifted it to her), she used the key to unlock the door and dragged herself in.

At hearing the click of the lock and the door opening, Mrs Hudson peeked out of the door of her flat.

"Elizabeth? What are you doing back so soon? Have you solved your case already? Where are the boys?"

The thief shook her head, "I came back on my own. They are still in Devon, solving the case."


She shrugged with a bitter smile crossing her lips, "Because...things are not doing too well and I refuse to stay in such a cursed place." Elizabeth dragged her suitcase to the bottom of the stairs, "I'm just going to head up to the flat. I'm tired."

"Of course, dear, you go rest. If you need  anything - "

"I'll be alright, Mrs H, us women are a lot more self-sufficient than the men after all."

A cheeky smile crossed the landlady's lips as she gave a nod and retreated back into her own flat.

*  *  *  *  *  *

Upstairs, Elizabeth collapsed on the sofa, a heavy sigh leaving her lips. It had been a lie. She wasn't tired but wide-awake, too afraid to sleep in case she saw that thing coming at her again. She had no urge to read or clean or watch TV. What her urge told her was that she needed a better distraction.

Pulling her phone out of her pocket, she checked the time. Eleven-twenty-six, the time read.

The heist was at two a.m.

Elizabeth found herself heading to the contacts list on her phone, stopping on the names that came under 'C'. Her thumb hovered over Cleo's name as she debated with herself over whether she should or shouldn't go.

Tapping the call sign besides her name, she brought the phone to her ear.

"Still want me on the heist?"

*  *  *  *  *  *

The rendezvous was a small alley near the Bank of England - several buildings down from it. Despite needing to get to the basement, their access point would be through the top of the building. It was all part of the plan - Jim's plan. And with this second chance that she had been gifted, all Cleo had to do now was follow it and pray to God that everything would work out right.

She stood with three other girls, all of them kitted out in black catsuits - it was just easier to move in after all, more flexible and lightweight, perfect for the stealthy crimes such as the one they were about to commit. The only difference for her was that she wore a straight blonde wig that had been tied up into a pony tail to hide her noticeable hairstyle.

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