85 - Solving The Case Of The Missing Mother

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A/N - This is a really quick fire (but long) chapter as I wanted to just tie up the case in one and not 2 chapters like originally planned so close to 5000 words for this chap 😉

WARNINGS - peeps being risqué right off the bat and also heavy swearing towards the middle (because we all know that person that swears like a sailor, don't we?).


Elizabeth awoke to Sherlock's fingers lightly circling and tickling the palm of her hand. The detective pressed his cupid-bow lips to her bare tan shoulder, trailing chaste kisses back up to her ear.

"Good morning."

The thief felt a tender smile cross her lips as he moved his hand to rest it on her bare stomach, only to then decide that he would gently pull her so that she would lie on her back under the covers which she obliged to. Sherlock had propped himself up on his left arm, staring down at her as though she were the most precious piece of art in all the world. He tucked a loose piece of hair behind her left ear, his thumb lightly grazing her cheek, as he gazed at her.

"I never knew you had two birthmarks until last night."

Elizabeth giggled quietly, rolling her eyes. Of all the things he could say...but she would play along. She narrowed her eyes playfully at him.

"That's probably because I don't walk around nude like a certain Ms Adler."

Sherlock scoffed, collapsing onto his back and making the bed bounce slightly as he did. The thief turned her head to look at him, taking in the stunning profile of his. After the mention of Ms Adler, her mind crept towards one question, the answer of which she grew more curious of.

"I don't mean to pry but...was I your first?"

"Hm?" Sherlock turned his head and frowned thoughtfully at her.

"The nickname that she - well, Jim - had given you?"

Sherlock looked back up at ceiling,  "Yes..." He answered honestly, his eyes now tracing invisible nervous patterns above him, "Why? Did I do something wrong?"

"What? No!" Elizabeth propped herself up on her right arm to gaze down at Sherlock now, "No, you...you did everything right..."

He still couldn't meet her gaze so she took the initiative, letting her hand slide across his unclothed chest, stopping once she had reached his face and gently made him look at her.

"Sherlock, last night..." A red hue rose in her cheeks as she thought back to it, "Last night was the best. The other times - you probably don't even want to think about that but I do have a point to make - the other times didn't...didn't feel like...love. The other times were all forgettable moments that never meant anything, they always meant nothing but fulfilling a...a physical desire - again I know you don't want to think about it but - but my point is last night...last night meant something. Last night...we had something that wasn't nothing...and that something felt like...not just desire but it felt like love...I haven't felt like that before."

A soft smile brushed his lips. Elizabeth was right, Sherlock really didn't want the idea of her being in bed with other men in his head after last evening but she had made a point that made his heart sing. He was special to her as she was to him.

"Your performance last night was acceptable." Came his monotone response.

Elizabeth pulled a face at him and slapped him on the shoulder.

"Ah! I was kidding."

"Not the time, you idiot." Elizabeth gave him a coltish frown, "Besides you have nothing else to compare me to so by default I'm the best you ever had."

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