95 - The Fall Of The Forty Elephants

335 19 161

A/N - Oooh yall not gonna like meee...

Warnings - swearing and violence 😬


John had gone for coffee with Crystal and they had both enjoyed it. A lot. They had chatted for about an hour after they had left work, but they could have talked for longer. The two were truly two peas in a pod but then John decided that he had needed to get back to the flat.

Crystal accepted this.

But did offer him the opportunity for another (free) coffee at her house first.

John accepted this.

And again they had spoken for another pleasant hour, both laughing and smiling and talking meaningful nonsense. The doctor really did like Crystal and had suggested that they do this again to which her response was more than excited.

But just as they were about to depart together so that Crystal could keep her promise to drive him back to the flat, there was a knock at the door.

The new receptionist went to answer it as John finished his coffee.

But Crystal came back to the kitchen, hands raised, with a gun pointed at her head by a masked man and behind the masked man, was Moriarty baring a toothy grin.

"Oh Jesus," John whispered, standing from the kitchen table, "Stop - stop pointing that gun at her. Crystal, Crystal, look at me, it's going to be alright."

The young woman just nodded quickly, her raised hands visibly shaking and her eyes wide as could be.

"Hello, John." Moriarty greeted, "We just need your assistance for a little surprise again."

"You are not making me wear another bomb vest."

Moriarty chuckled, "No, no, nothing like that. I don't use the same trick twice, you know." His laughter died down, "But I do need you for...target practice."


"Oh, don't be such a baby, John. You've been a target before, remember, at war?" Even Moriarty's eyes seemed to send him a sick grin, "It's fun, I promise. But we can't take you yet. We've been waiting, you see, for the right moment to come and snatch you up. Of course, it happened a little earlier than expected but do any plans we make ever really go to plan?"

"Just let Crystal go - "

"So she can run straight to the police?" He scoffed, "I think not. I will be honest though, dearest Crys," Moriarty strolled around so that he could face her, "You will die today. And there's no stopping it. Call it fate but you will certainly die today."

"Oh God!" She sobbed.

John's jaw clenched, "You don't need to hurt her, you have me - "

"Awh, that's awfully sweet of you, Dr Watson, but I also have a witness to deal with."

Moriarty strolled over, hands behind his back and leant forwards as close as he could to John's face, a devilish sparkle in his eyes, "You are going to die too but you have a little longer." He grabbed John's hand and forced a roll of duct tape into his grip, "You will gag her and duct tape her hands together behind her back and then I will do the same you. Capishce?"

John swallowed drily and nodded.

Sherlock and Elizabeth would get him out of this. He was certain they could.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

But darkness lazily crept upon the once blue sky and there had still been no sign of anyone coming to get him or Crystal. And that was because John knew he had forgotten to say he would be back late because he was getting coffee with a friend.

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