83 - Trying To Keep Them Safe

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A/N - Heyyy my Sherlockian Loveliesss!

Ya girl has 28 plays under her belt now, not all perfect but they do have potential 😄😉

Man, has it been a minute! A whole month away from this book has felt weird but I am happy to be back 😄 it took me a couple of days as I have been trying to adopt the mindset of BC's Sherlock Holmes again by rewatching the series (for the millionth time and it still doesn't get old 😂).


Which also means, if you are Marvel fans, that I am putting "An Entity Within" back on hold again while I finish this.

Do I regret not splitting the book so it would be more manageable for you all? YES. And I regret it for me too.

I can say that I will refuse to go over 100 chapters for this book - my plan is to finish it around 95 (fingers crossed).

Anyways! New chap - hope you enjoy! ❤


"How is she?" John questioned Sherlock as they sat together in the kitchen.

Sherlock sighed, pausing his experiment to look at John through his safety glasses, "Didn't speak after it. Didn't sleep the first night. Didn't speak yesterday. Had a restless night last night but I think she slept somewhat and didn't speak again when she woke up. Oh, and has appeared to have set up permanent camp in the bedroom - I suspect it will only be a matter of time before her body leaves an unmoveable imprint in the mattress."

John nodded, frowning, "Eaten anything?"

"She has adopted my appetite for the time being."

"Oh, so tea, tea and more tea?"

"And the occasional biscuit."

"Of course, how could I forget the little food that you do eat?"

"John, do I detect sarcasm?"

"Well - "

The two men stopped their conversation at hearing the bedroom door open suddenly. Elizabeth appeared from the short corridor, dressed and ready for the day, handbag slung over her arm and all. John and Sherlock shared a look.

"Elizabeth, are you alright?" John asked her out right.

She scoffed, of course she wasn't, but didn't respond as she headed for the bowl of fruit on the counter and grabbed a tiny tangerine.

"You shouldn't go to work so soo - " Sherlock tried to say, having already deduced what she was doing.

"I'm already late." She paused, not daring to look at them, "And I need this job."

Hesitant to leave her on her own, Sherlock spoke up again, "I can walk you - "

"I can walk myself." She headed to the kitchen door that led out to the landing,  "Be back later."

And off she went, jogging down the stairs. They heard the front door open and then close with a slam and all was quiet for a moment. John turned to look at Sherlock sympathetically as the detective stared out of the open kitchen door, slightly hurt by how quickly he had been rejected.

"Don't take it too personally." John advised, "She's hurting. She just needs some more time."

*  *  *  *  *

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