61 - Speaking With The Silvas

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A/N - I honestly don't know how I feel about Sherlock with blond hair but sometimes we needs the disguises (and sometimes we are lucky the actor changes his hair colour for different movies 😂).

The moment Sherlock had boarded the cruise, he headed straight to his single cabin to unpack.

He would meet with Lucetta later to discuss her case.

Every time the detective had glanced into the mirror and saw that he had blond hair, he had to do a double-take himself. He hadn't dyed it, no, but he knew a wig-maker and had approached them, asking for a hairstyle that made him near-unrecognisable to the famous detective that the papers knew him as. He wasn't that keen on it but it was suitably different enough to himself for him to accept it.

At dinner, he decided, Sherlock would make the effort to try and track down Elizabeth and work out where her room was. He would also have to pinpoint the locations of the Sandborns and of the secret service agent whose name he had forgotten. The detective would work it out eventually. It couldn't be that far lost in his mind, he thought.

Perhaps some time in his mind palace would do the trick?

Sherlock decided this would be best as he had time to kill before he met with his client anyway. The detective sat down in his comfy cabin chair and closed his eyes, steepling his hands under his chin, readying himself to travel back into his mind in search of a name.

*  *  *  *  *  *

"You're - you're part of the Forty Elephants?"

Rita nodded, seemingly finding no issue with this, "Yes."

"But you're also - "

"Mycroft's friend and confidant. Yes, that too. But there are things friends can disagree on. My position in relation to the man in the government made me a prime candidate for the gang."

"I'm...I don't know what to...say..."

"Then...don't say anything." Dr Rahat shrugged, standing up to go and sit beside Elizabeth on her bed, "Not yet anyways. I just need you to listen now."

Elizabeth's brow had raised, bunching in the middle. Listening was easy, it was the processing she was struggling with right now. She simply hadn't expected it to be her. Although it made sense how the leader knew about the cruise now.

"You complete this mission and you're free to go, clean slate and all. Mycroft's promised you that. We know you'll finish this well. All you have to do when you're officially off the hook is get a job at a cafe."


"You heard me. It's as simple as that. As long as you are still in, all you need to do is come down to the Rob 'n' Cat Cafe and ask for a job."

Elizabeth still didn't know how to respond.

"Nothing bad will happen if you decide you're out again. All we ask for is your confidentiality."

Elizabeth shook her head, "This is too much - "

There was a knock at their cabin door.

"That would be Olly." Rita stood, approaching the door.


"Yeah. He's your security guy. The only other person on this ship who knows you are Elizabeth and not Eva."

Elizabeth needed time to cool herself down but before she could even consider what she would do to kill the overwhelming feelings, Rita opened the door to reveal an average-looking man who smiled at the two, only stepping inside once Rita beckoned him in, greeting him.

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