93 - Trial Of The Century

351 17 128

A/N - Warning: some swearing.

Also attached the 'Sinnerman' song by Nina Simone because it's just so good!


Nearly an hour later the three found themselves at the Tower of London, sat in the security room and watching the CCTV footage of Jim.

Elizabeth smiled at seeing how he acted but it wasn't amused nor lighthearted. In fact, it was between a smile and grimace. Close lipped but not tight lipped and one corner curved upwards a little more than the other and just enough for her lone dimple to show. Her expression was that of a conflicted heart, as it always was when she thought of Jim.

"That glass is tougher than anything." Lestrade commented as they watched Jim take out his chewing gum to press it against the display case.

"Not tougher than crystallised carbon." Sherlock said, "He used a diamond..."

The detective inspector played the footage forwards and backwards so that he could pause it on the once unshattered message asking for the consulting detective himself.

The smiley face in the 'o' taunted them.

*  *  *  *  *  *

"Place your bag here please and anything metal, any technology."

Elizabeth placed her bag in the tray, took her phone from her pocket and did the same and then removed her 221B key necklace and sentimental ring, placing them next to her bag.

"Step through."

No alarm bells rung out as she stepped through the detector but soundless alarm squeezed her lungs as she inhaled a big breath. She swallowed.

"Roberts'll take you through."

"Thank you." She mumbled as she approached the friendly looking prison guard.

"Who're you here to see then?" Roberts questioned as she joined him by his side, strolling down the long hallway together.

"James Moriarty."

The prison guard paused, looked at her, thick, greying eyebrows crawling up his forehead, eyes widening as he nodded, silent.

"You're 'er then?"


"The one Mr Holmes requested to see 'im?"

"...Yes...did he say why?"

"You're his sister?"

"Not by blood."

"Adopted sister?"

"More like abducted but sure...we'll call it adopted." She muttered under her breath.


"Yes. I'm his adopted sister."

"Knew about his criminal activity?"

"...No. He kept it well hidden."

"S'pose they always do if family ain't likely to be keen 'bout that kinda life."

She nodded, feeling guilty about another lie she had added to her list.

"See him any differently?"

"It's complicated."

"Two-faced, was he? Nothing told you he would do this?"

"Yes and no." Another lie, "He was always nice to me - kind, brotherly..."

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