A/N - A Wee Taggy Tag

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I was tagged by CaRaMeL__a!

1) Forgive me for I wish to remain anonymous! 😊

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1) Forgive me for I wish to remain anonymous! 😊

2) Writing, writing and...more writing 😂 (reading too, of course!)

3) It changes ALL THE TIME but at the moment probably either Burn or It's Quiet Uptown from Hamilton


5) To be showrunner for Doctor Who for a couple of years/potentially 2 Doctors at the most!

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5) To be showrunner for Doctor Who for a couple of years/potentially 2 Doctors at the most!

6) Yis, thank you!

7) About 8 close frens!

8) Math? *gags*


10) From South Africa but living in the UK

11) Archery (and yes a nickname of mine is Katniss PURELY bc of this 😂) & Karate

12) I hope so 😂

13) According to a spam email I got, apparently I am worth £10...still offended by that...

14) I am quite fond of Lady Gaga, Billie Eillish and Hozier!

15) Sí, uno

16) Yes. I'm probably mediocre at drawing but I cannot draw people unless they are cartoons 😂

17) None bc I have finished school for good until the year after next when I may go to university

18) Not anymoreeeee oop

19) Single pringle bc we be an independent woman (who is actually just too socially awkward to flirt with anyone) 😂

20) Phoebe Waller-Bridge. I have always wanted a female writer to look up to and she is the chosen one and I would love to just sit down and have a conversation with her! She is just such an icon!

And last but not least, I tag:

You don't have to do it if you don't want to! 😊

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