64 - Hackers & Guys

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A/N - Hiya so the above picture represents the Sandborn brothers:

Oliver Jackson-Cohen (left) playing Grayson Sandborn
Jamie Dornan (right) playing Simon Sandborn

Hope you enjoy ❤


"I can't do that, Rita."

"Why not?"

"If the Sandborns have also hacked CCTV then it's likely they will be able to find me if I hack it too."

Dr Rahat placed the laptop down on the cabin table, in front of Elizabeth. The look in her eyes was a bossy one and the thief knew there would be no other way. Rita folded her arms and Elizabeth sat back in the chair, hands in her lap, fiddling with her ring.

"I'm not - "

"Without Olly, we have no eyes, Elizabeth. No eyes means we can’t find out where the Sandborns will be or what room they're in without informing a guard that has no clue about our mission."

Elizabeth sighed running her hands over her eyes and proceeding to rest her elbows on the edge of the table.

"Cover your tracks digitally, isn't that what hackers do?"

"My hacking skills aren't that advanced. I'm a thief mainly, remember?"

"Don’t put your skills down like this."

"I'm not, I'm being realistic."

"Well, okay then, realistically how long would it take them to find out that you are also hacking the CCTV?"

"God, I don't know, a couple of hours maybe? It depends on how good they are."

There was a knock at their cabin door. Rita answered it and found the blond haired Sherlock waiting there. She opened the door wider for him to come in.

"Room three-oh-nine." He said as the door shut.

Elizabeth shrugged, "What about it?"

"It’s the room the Sandborns are staying in. I was able to look at the passenger lists and their assigned rooms."

"Okay. That's one thing sorted then." Rita affirmed, "But we still don't have eyes on them and if they’re comfortable with murder, then I would rather we know where they are for everyone's sake."

Sherlock looked to Elizabeth, "I thought you were good with technology."

"Not good enough to cover my tracks."

"On average it would take security two hours to work out they've been hacked if they're looking. If not, then it's unlikely they'll notice until something bad, technologically, happens. As for another hacker finding another hacker, if they're looking, on average it takes about an hour."

"What I'm hearing is that as long as she doesn't give anyone a reason to look for her, we'll be fine?" Rita queried with the detective.

"Yes, essentially."

"God, I needed you on some of my early hacking ventures. You're certain?"


Elizabeth smiled at him before finally opening the laptop and resolving to hack the cameras, "Give me a moment then..."

The second the black laptop was running, her fingers tapped furiously at the keyboard. It was already noon and they were running out of time to complete the mission considering the captain had decided to go back early - and rightfully so, but it was still a slight inconvenience to them.

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