24 - The Woman

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A/N - I don't know if I need to say this but just in case: mature themes in this chapter.

Also, there is another Doctor Who reference in the dialogue! Simply can't refuse a lil DW ref 😄



Stark naked.

She was stark naked and didn't give a single damn.

When Miss Adler appeared in the doorway with nothing but a pair of stilettos on, both of Sherlock and Elizabeth's jaws dropped in shock. They knew she was a sex worker but they didn't expect a greeting like that.

With a smile and a sultry sway of her hips, she approached the couch where they sat, "Oh, it's always hard to remember an alias when you've had a fright. Isn't it?"

As she did approach, Elizabeth felt the overwhelming need to get up and just walk over to the window, leaving Sherlock sat on the couch. Then she kind of regretted her actions because of what happened next.

The Woman paused in front of Sherlock for single second before straddling his legs and kneeling on the sofa - simply to remove the priest's dog collar from his shirt. Elizabeth couldn't quite comprehend what was happening and remained speechless at her actions.

"Well, there now. We're both defrocked...Mr Sherlock Holmes." She smirked.

Remaining relatively calm and unperturbed by her seductive display, the detective replied, "Miss Adler, I presume."

"Look at those cheekbones." The Woman tilted her head slightly, "I could cut myself slapping that face...would you like me to try?" Her eyes narrowed at him before she fiercely bit and held the white strip between her teeth.

"What. The. Hell..." Elizabeth breathed.

And just then, John walked in, still looking at the towel and bowl of water he had collected. Boy, did he have a shock coming to him when he looked up.

"Right, this should do it." And when he did, a shock John did get.

He looked between the three people in the room, mainly at Miss Adler and yet also trying to avoid looking at her altogether. Equally, finding her displaying herself to Sherlock in such a compromising way was probably a hard thought to ignore.

Elizabeth didn't even want to know how Jim knew her at this point.

"I've missed something, haven't I?" John frowned, now looking between The Woman and the bowl of water.

Sherlock just turned his head away from John, looking as though he wanted to die. It was at this point that the Dominatrix decided to stand up and remove the priest's dog collar from her mouth. Her blood-red painted lips turned up in a small smile as she welcomed her third guest.

"Please, sit down. Or if you'd like some tea, I can call the maid."

Sherlock refused, "I had some at the palace."

"I know." Miss Adler said, throwing herself down on the small, elegant armchair, and being sure to sit in such a way that she hid most of her body.


There was silence. Elizabeth still hung back by the windows, perfectly comfortable being the ghost in the room. Perhaps, if Miss Adler didn't realise that she was 'Jim's thief', she would never get the message. And if she never got the message then he could hardly blame Elizabeth. But then he would blame The Woman. She wasn't too sure how well that one would go down.

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